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head off(heads off中文翻译,heads off是什么意思,heads off发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

head off(heads off中文翻译,heads off是什么意思,heads off发音、用法及例句)

heads off

heads off发音

英:  美:

heads off中文意思翻译

常用释义:1. 出发


heads off双语使用场景

1、I strike bad people's heads off; and I hear that my axe rings!───我专砍坏人的脑袋;我听到我的斧头在颤动!

2、The enemy can only cut our heads off , but can never shake our faith .───敌人只能砍下我们的头颅,但不能动摇我们的信仰。

3、So logs into Facebook, replies to a few messages from his friends and then heads off to meet Jane.───然后登录Facebook,回复了朋友们的几个邮件,然后去见简。

4、The children came in an hour ago from their long walk , and now they 're in the dining room eating their heads off .───孩子们一个小时前长途步行回来,此刻正在餐厅里狼吞虎咽地吃东西。

5、We laugh our heads off.───我们笑得前仰后合。

6、Couple of days ago, I told the story about Pa drinking, which I said something wrong and made everybody laugh their heads off.───前几天说了爸爸喝酒时我说错了话,惹得大家笑。

7、Twenty-two friends of high public mark, twenty-one living and one dead, it had lopped the heads off, in one morning, in as many minutes.───二十二个声名显赫的朋友,二十一个活的,一个死的,它在一个早上把他们全砍掉了脑袋,只费掉了二十一分钟。

8、I do not know that he keeps two horses in the stable, doing nothing but eating their heads off.───我不知道他在马厩里养了两匹什么事也不干,却饱食终日的马。

9、Somebody lopped the heads off our tulips.───有人剪掉了我们郁金香的花冠。

heads off相似词语短语

1、hands off───不干涉的;请勿动手;别动

2、shears off───剪断;切掉

3、heading off───阻止;转移方向

4、head off───阻止;转移方向

5、sends off───寄出;派遣;给…送行

6、fends off───v.避开;挡开

7、leads off───开始;领先

8、headed off───阻止;转移方向

9、holds off───拖延;不接近;不使…接近


这款游戏叫翻滚吧人头(Heads Off)。这是一款由PONOS重磅推出的魔性挑战游戏,游戏采用了经典的横版挑战方式,拥有阴郁诡异的手绘画面风格,你将在游戏之中控制人头不断朝着前方翻滚,克服各种出现的障碍物,帮助人头达到更远的地方,同时还可以解锁更多的人头哦。

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