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write down中文翻译,write down是什么意思,write down发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

write down中文翻译,write down是什么意思,write down发音、用法及例句

write down

write down发音

英:[raɪt daʊn]  美:[ˈraɪt daʊn]

英:  美:

write down中文意思翻译


写下; 记下; 视为; 贬低(地位、重要性等)


write down双语使用场景

1、Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you'd like to have.───按先后顺序)写下你所希望拥有的品质。

2、Find someone who will let you talk things through, or failing that, write down your thoughts.───找个能让你把事情说清楚的人,如果不行的话,就把你所想的写下来。

3、Write down your address at the check back please.───请在支票背面写下你的地址.

4、Write down (in order of priority) the qualities you'd like to have.───(按照优先次序)写下你想具有的品质。

5、Write down the following information: name of product, type, date purchased and price.───请写明如下信息:产品名称、类型、购买日期和价格。

6、Please write down your name on the reverse side of the envelope.───请在信封的背面写下你的名字.

7、On the morning before starting the fast, write down your starting weight.───早晨开始禁食前,记下你的体重。

8、Write down some common wishes, and compare with your partner.───写下一些普通的愿望, 和你的搭档加以对比.

9、Find someone who will let you talk things through, or failing that, write down your thoughts.───找个能让你畅所欲言的人,如果不能的话,就把你的想法写下来。

10、Write down basic information about yourself, and exchange it with your partner.───写下你自己的基本信息, 和你的搭档交换.

11、Hold on the phone for a second. Let me find a pen to write down your phone number.───别挂电话, 让我找支笔记下你的电话号码.

12、Though several critics have tried to write down the play, it is still very popular.───尽管有几位批评家竭力贬低这出戏, 它仍然很受欢迎.

13、Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity.───写下有机会的话你想做的事情。

14、He began to write down the thoughts that came into his head.───他开始写下头脑里出现的思想.

15、When you write down in figures the number one million, how many noughts are there?───一百万写成数字时,一共有几个0?

16、Children write down the word, cover it up and then try to spell it from memory.───孩子们把这个词写下来蒙住,然后试着凭记忆拼出来。

17、Write down the sort of thing you would like to do, given the opportunity.───有机会,请写下你想做的那类事。

18、Write down your name, age and sex.───把你的姓名 、 年龄和性别写下来.

write down相似词语短语

1、wrote down───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成


3、ride down───践踏;骑马赶上

4、written down───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成


6、write downs───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成

7、writes down───写下;减低账面价值;把…描写成

write about和write down的区别?

write about是写作的意思,而write down是写下,记下的意思.另外还有用法上的区别,当宾语是代词it或者them时候,write about的宾语放在后面,而write down的宾语要放在中间.

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