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be afraid to中文翻译,be afraid to是什么意思,be afraid to发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

be afraid to中文翻译,be afraid to是什么意思,be afraid to发音、用法及例句

1、be afraid to

be afraid to发音

英:  美:

be afraid to中文意思翻译



be afraid to双语使用场景

1、Don't be afraid to ask other players for advice.───不要害怕去询问其他玩家的建议.

2、Shop in small local markets and don't be afraid to bargain.───在当地的小店购物,不要害怕砍价。

3、If your original request is denied, don't be afraid to pursue the matter.───如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。

4、Don't be afraid to haggle: for the moment, it's a buyer's market.───别怕还价,现在是买方市场。

5、You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.───想让自己的收入有所提高时,你应该敢于给自己设定高的目标。

6、Don't be afraid to admit that you are less than perfect.───不要害怕承认你并非完美.

7、Now I won't be afraid to drive round the country looking for something to eat.───我们可以赶着车子到乡下四处寻找吃的了,而且用不着害怕.

8、not be afraid to say you do not understand.───不要害怕说你不懂。

9、Don't be afraid to pet the dog.───不要怕抚摸这条狗.

10、Don't be afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.───点餐时可以大胆征求意见。

11、If your original request is denied, don't be afraid to pursue the matter.───如果你最初的要求被拒绝了,不要害怕去追问这件事情。

12、Don't be afraid to consider apparently extravagant ideas.───要勇于考虑一些貌似离谱的想法。

13、Do not be afraid to show off your skills.───忌害怕展现你的才能.

14、Don't be afraid to ask your fishmonger to fillet flat fish.───尽管叫鱼贩子把比目鱼的鱼刺剔掉。

15、Don't be afraid to have this checked by a doctor— better safe than sorry!───不要害怕找医生检查一下——宁求稳妥以免后悔!

16、Never be afraid to reach out and meet someone new.───不要害怕见陌生人.

17、And don't be afraid to just say no, Marshall adds.───马歇尔又补充说,千万不要怕说不.

18、You should not be afraid to aim high in the quest for an improvement in your income.───在寻求收入提高方面,你应该敢于给自己设定高的目标。

be afraid to相似词语短语

1、be rid of───摆脱

2、be used to───习惯于

3、be meant to───打算;有意要

4、be nothing to───conj.不能与…相比;对…无足轻重

5、be about to───即将;刚要;正打算

6、be able to───v.会;能够

7、be gagging to───对


一、be afraid of意为怕、生怕、恐怕,后接doing/sth。

例句:There's no need to be afraid of him ─ he's a big softie.


Don't be afraid of speaking up.别怕,大胆地说。

It is common for children to be afraid of sleeping alone.小孩子不敢一个人睡觉是很常见的。

She might not be afraid of implicating her sister.她可能不怕连累了姊姊。

It's very healthy to be afraid when there's something to be afraid of.不逞匹夫之勇是很明智的。

I won't be afraid of you, distance and time.所以,距离和时间,我不怕你们。

I think he must be afraid of coming here.我看他呀是害怕了,不敢来了。


be afraid to意为怕,是主观上的原因,后接to do。

例句:Shop in small local markets and don't be afraid to bargain.在当地的小店购物,不要害怕砍价。

If your original request is denied, don't be afraid to pursue the matter.如果你最初的请求遭到拒绝,不要害怕,要继续追问下去。

He thinks that some workers may be afraid to put questions publicly.他认为一些工人可能害怕公开提问。

Don't be afraid to ask for advice about ordering the meal.点餐时可以大胆征求意见。

Don't be afraid to star with articles of lower grade levels.不要害怕从较低水平的文章开始。

Don't be afraid to study and explore English language.不要害怕学习和探索英语。

I never be afraid to find a job and work.我从来不怕找工作和工作。

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