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on a scale中文翻译,on a scale是什么意思,on a scale发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

on a scale中文翻译,on a scale是什么意思,on a scale发音、用法及例句

1、on a scale

on a scale发音

英:  美:

on a scale中文意思翻译




on a scale双语使用场景

1、Pierpont Morgan , perhaps the most flamboyant of the entrepreneurs , operated on a scale of magnificence.───皮尔庞特?摩根或许是企业家当中最阔气的.他的经营规模庞大.

2、The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.───患者按十分制给这些治疗方法打分。

3、Pierpont Morgan , perhaps the most flamboyant of the enterpreneurs , operated on a scale of magnificence.───皮尔庞特·摩根或许是企业家当中最阔气的.他的经营规模庞大.

4、We can do all these things on a scale never dreamed of before.───我们能以过去根本不可能想象的规模去做上述任何事情.

5、The business is conducted on a scale of unprecedented immensity.───这项业务是按前所未有的巨大规模来经营的.

6、The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths.───这张比例尺为1:10000的地图显示了5000条以上的独立小径。

7、Loneliness was measured on a scale of one to fie, with higher scores indicating more loneliness.───孤独程度按1-5分打分,分数越高, 程度越严重.

8、Each of the factors is given a weighting on a scale of 1 to 10.───每种因素按1至10之间的数值加权。

9、Rate your distress on a scale of 1 to 10, 1 being mild irritation and panic or anger.───将你的苦恼分为1至10个等级, 1级是轻度的急躁,而10级是极度的慌乱或愤怒.

10、It was a map drawn on a scale of one inch for 100 miles.───这是按每英寸100英里的比例尺画的地图.

11、Their emergence brought undreamed - of prosperity; but also carnage on a scale hitherto unimaginable.───他们的兴起带来了意想不到的繁荣, 同时还有至今尚难想象的大规模屠杀.

12、The patient rates the therapies on a scale of zero to ten.───这位患者按0到10分给这些疗法分级。

13、The purpose increased the economic profit of feeding rabbit on a scale.───目的在于尽可能提高规模化养兔的经济效益.

14、Are we close to being a 7 on a scale of 10 yet?───我们曾经临近10个根蒂阶段中的第7阶段了 吗 ?

15、On a scale of 1 to 10 how do you rate his performance?───如果用1到10给他打分的话,你给他的表演打几分?

16、The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths.───该地图以1:10,000的比例尺显示了5,000多条不同道路。

on a scale相似词语短语

1、on sale───廉价出售;贱价抛售

2、out of scale───不成比例;不相称

3、on a slant───倾斜着

4、in a state───标明,规定;状况;精神不大正常

5、on a plate───在盘子里;现成地

6、Knoop scale───缩放按钮

7、Binet scale───n.比内量表

8、own a stake───持有股份

9、on a skite───他是个滑雪者


 individual表示个人的; 独特的; 个别的意思,那么你知道individual的短语有哪些吗?接下来我为大家整理了individual的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦!



 a group of individuals 一群人

 a queer sort of individual 怪人

 a sort of individual 一种人


 known individual 知名人士

 lawless individual 无法无天的人

 middle-aged individual 中年人


 individual effort〔contribution〕 个人努力〔贡献〕

 individual style 独特风格individual way 独特方式

 individual attention 个别注意


 peculiar, characteristic, individual, distinctive


 peculiar : 侧重指某人或某物本身与众不同;也可指种族、民族或性别,着重有其无可争议的特点。

 characteristic : 侧重指具有区别能力,典型的或本质的事物。

 individual : 指特指的人或物,着重其与众不同,强调可将其区别出的品质与特性。

 distinctive : 突出与众不同的或令人称赞的个性或特征。

 personal, private, individual


 personal : 指属于或关于某人或某些特定的人,以区别于其他人。

 private : 指属于私人所有或具有私营性质,以区别于集体或公共的,有时含不公开的意味。

 individual : 与集体的相对,指个别或个体的。


 1. Tourism is up, jobs are up, individual income is up.


 2. This was a matter for decision by the individual.


 3. Choose a soft, medium or firm mattress to suit their individual needs.


 4. Whether such properties are a good deal will depend on individual situations.


 5. Social science is a collective name, covering a series of individual sciences.


 6. Moreau took gold in the five-kilometre individual pursuit competition.


 7. They prefer to bargain with individual clients, for cash.


 8. The individual's whole personality appears to be permanently warped.


 9. Twist the mixture into individual sausages without splitting the skins.


 10. The services are attractively priced and are tailored to suit individualrequirements.


 11. Margaret was always mischievous and set on her own individual course.


 12. The levels of tolerable pain vary greatly from individual to individual.


 13. She won the individual gold medal at the Winter Olympics.


 14. They wait for the group to decide rather than making individual decisions.


 15. The map, on a scale of 1:10,000, shows over 5,000 individual paths.


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