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customs duty中文翻译,customs duty是什么意思,customs duty发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

customs duty中文翻译,customs duty是什么意思,customs duty发音、用法及例句

1、customs duty

customs duty发音

英:  美:

customs duty中文意思翻译



customs duty双语使用场景

1、The term "import duty" includes customs duty, value added tax and consumption tax.───本办法所称的进口税,包括关税和增值税、消费税。

2、The following closely has analyzed the influence to the Russian agricultural product import market by customs duty structure and the Russia agricultural policy change.───为了保护国内的某一产业,或者由于需要外汇用于购买更为重要的物资,政府可能要控制进口或以关税制约进口。

3、Japan obstructs China to enhance the customs duty rate in every possible way, to regain.───日本为免自身利益受损,百般阻挠中国提高关税税率, 收回关税主权.

4、Customs duty is a toll payable on merchandise imported into the country.───进口关税是商品被进口到国内应付的费用.

5、The duty payer shall sign for the customs duty payment form upon its receipt.───纳税义务人收到税款缴款书后应当办理签收手续.

6、In 1767 Britain put customs duty on many goods such as tea.───1767年,英国对许多货物征收关税,例如茶叶.

7、What's the maximum amount of wine you're allowed to take through customs duty free?───海关允许你携带酒的最高免税额是 多少 ?

8、Usually, any changes in excise duty are followed by similar changes in customs duty.───通常情况下, 消费税上的所有变化都要与关税的变化相吻合.

9、Export tax consisits of only export customs duty ( ECD ) . 2.───出口税只含出口关税一项.

10、Customs duty, inspection charge at unloading port, discharging charge to be borne by buyer.───海关有关关税及到达港商检 、 卸货费由卖方承担.

11、Peter focuses on China tax, customs duty and business advisory matters.───龚永德专责处理中国税务 、 关税及商业咨询等业务.

12、Contract with Customs, Duty exemption application.───与海关联系, 负责免税申请.

13、Did you have to pay customs duty on that?───你们必须为此给顾客付款 吗 ?

14、The government today slashed customs duty on wheat imports from forty to ten percent.───政府今天大幅削减小麦进口关税从40%减为10%.

15、Indirect taxes are imposed in the form of customs duty, excise and sales tax.───间接税是以进口关税 、 销售税和营业税的形式征收.

16、Goods from overseas are kept bonded, no customs duty or VAT required.───境外进入保税物流中心的货物给予保税.

17、Subscriber need pays the 30 % import customs duty and extra 5 % tax when it occur.───若有30%进口关税(外加5%税)发生时,订购者须自行付担.

18、The money collected under tariffs is called duty or customs duty.───这种税往往被称作关税或海关关税.

customs duty相似词语短语

1、customer data───客户数据

2、customs duties───关税;进口税

3、customs house───n.海关

4、customs shed───海关房;海关卡

5、customs form───报关单;海关单据

6、customs post───海关邮政

7、customs posts───海关关卡



Can we do a barter trade?


Is it still a direct barter trade?


If you agree to our proposal of a barter trade, we'll give you paper in exchange for your timber.


Shall we sign a triangle trade agreement?


A triangle trade can be carried out among the three of us.


Compensation trade is, in fact, a kind of loan.


We may agree to do processing trade with you.


If you're interested in leasing trade, please let us know.


We wonder whether you do counter trade.


Words and Phrases

trade by commodities 商品贸易

visible trade 有形贸易

invisible trade 无形贸易

barter trade 易货贸易

bilateral trade 双边贸易

triangle trade 三角贸易

multilateral trade 多边贸易

counter trade 对销贸易;抵偿贸易

counter purchase 互购贸易

buy-back 回购贸易

compensation trade 补偿贸易

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