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大声说英语(speaking to中文翻译,speaking to是什么意思,speaking to发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

大声说英语(speaking to中文翻译,speaking to是什么意思,speaking to发音、用法及例句)

1、speaking to

speaking to发音

英:  美:

speaking to中文意思翻译



speaking to双语使用场景

1、I tried speaking to her in her native tongue.───我试着用她的本族语和她说话。

2、Speaking to the media at the NUH in the evening, Dr Su said Professor Chan might be discharged in a few days.───苏校长在晚上南大医院对媒体说马教授可能会离开几天。

3、He hurried by without speaking to me.───他没和我说话就匆匆过去了。

4、God now addressed the serpent. There is no doubt from the language used in verse 14 that God was speaking to one of His animal creation.───神现在审判蛇。从第14节中我们毫无疑问地明白,神是在与自己所创造的一样动物说话。

5、It won't do for a respectable bank gentleman like you, to be seen speaking to him publicly, you know. '───像你这样体面的银行人员公开跟他说话是不行的,这你知道。

6、After speaking to Sparks, it seems I would not be reaping the rewards for the emotional investments I made earlier in life if I didn't go.───与斯帕克斯谈话之后,看来如果我不去参加这一聚会的话,我就无法获得年轻时感情投资的回报。

7、Kelly: Hello, could I speak to Ian please? I was speaking to him just a moment ago, but I got disconnected.───凯莉:你好,请问我可以和伊恩说话吗?我刚刚跟他通电话,但是电话断线了。

8、'It's no use speaking to it, ' she thought, 'till its ears have come, or at least one of them.───“现在跟它说话没用处,”她想,“应该等它的两只耳朵也来了,至少来了一只,再说话。”

9、He is not speaking to his mother because of her friendship with his ex-wife.───他因母亲跟其前妻的友谊而不跟母亲说话了。

speaking to相似词语短语

1、speaking role───演讲角色

2、heaving to───停船;逆风停船;顶风漂泊

3、speaking type───说话型

4、setting to───开始认真干

5、speaking up───更大声地说;无保留地说出

6、seeing to───留心

7、speaking for───要求得到;代表…讲话

8、speaking tube───n.房间与房间之间的通话管(等于speakingtrumpet)

9、speaking out───大声地说(speaking是speak的现在分词)

2、A famous teacher was speaking to the students at our school.

一个著名的老师 到我们学校对我们的学生说课 。 他的开场是手上拿着一张100美元。 然后 他 对 三 百 学生问,“谁想要 这 100 美元?” 学生立刻举起了手。

然后他说,“我准备把100美元给你们其中之一,但 首先,我要这样做 。” 然后他钱放到了一个球里面。然后 他问,“谁想要这吗?” 。放下去的手又举起到空中

“嗯,”他说,“如果我这样做呢 ?” 和 他 把钱扔到地上踩了几脚。他拿起脏的 皱巴巴的 钱问 ,“你们谁还要?”放下去的手还是举起到空中。

“朋友们”他 说,“你们今天会学到非常有价值的一课。 无论我怎么对待这张钱,你还是想要这张钱因为它并没有(因为我的糟践)贬低自己的价值”

Many times in our lives, we are dropped, crum-pled, and stepped on by the chances we take and the things that happen to us. We feel as if we are worth nothing. But remember, no matter what has happened to you, you will never lose your value: you are always valuable to those people who love you. Your value doesn„t come from what you do or whom you know, but WHO YOU ARE. You are special and valuable. Don„t ever forget it!


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