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off set(set off中文翻译,set off是什么意思,set off发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

off set(set off中文翻译,set off是什么意思,set off发音、用法及例句)

1、set off

set off发音

英:  美:

set off中文意思翻译




set off双语使用场景

1、I set off, full of optimism.───我无比乐观地出发了。

2、It set off a chain reaction in the international money markets.───这一事件在国际金融市场上引起了连锁反应。

3、The three of us set off, our wheels skidding crazily under that drenching rain.───我们三个出发了,车轮在大雨中疯狂地打滑。

4、Get prepared so that you can set off immediately if sth . happens.───做好准备,一旦有事,马上出动.

5、Someone set off a fire extinguisher.───有人打开了灭火器。

6、The runners set off at a blistering pace.───赛跑运动员如脱缰野马般起跑了。

7、She set off at a cracking pace to Mr Ramzan's Superstore.───她飞速赶往拉姆赞先生的大型商场。

8、She set off at a canter.───她骑着马慢跑出发。

9、The detachment set off ahead of schedule.───小分队提前出动了.

10、The rest of the group shouldered their bags, gritted their teeth and set off.───那群人中其余的人扛起包,咬着牙出发了。

11、If he attended a party without his wife, it set off a storm of speculation.───如果他没和妻子一块儿出席宴会,便会招致各种猜测满天飞。

12、We set off in a southerly direction.───我们向南出发了。

13、Dressed up as Father Christmas and accompanied by a'guard of honour'of six pretty girls, he set off down the main street of the city riding a baby elephant called Jumbo.───他扮成圣诞老人,在声个漂亮姑娘组成的 “ 仪仗队”的陪同下骑着一只叫江波的小象,沿着城里的主要街道出发了.

14、The crisis has set off a wave of nationalist feelings in Quebec.───这一危机已在魁北克激起了一波民族独立主义情绪。

15、The couple set off in August from Morocco, drove through the Sahara, visited Nigeria and were heading for Zimbabwe.───那对夫妇8月从摩洛哥出发,驱车穿过撒哈拉大沙漠,游览了尼日利亚,正向津巴布韦进发。

16、I set off for a new adventure in the United States on the first day of the new year.───新年第一天,我在美国开始了一次新的冒险。

17、She had a quick swig of water and then set off again.───她匆忙喝了一大口水,然后又出发了.

18、Anthony picked himself up and set off along the track.───安东尼自己慢慢爬起来,又开始沿着跑道跑下去。

19、Berlin people drank champagne, set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.───柏林市民喝香槟、放焰火、鸣车笛。

20、Carnac set off at a canter.───卡纳克以慢步小跑出发了。

21、When she had an affair with her friend's husband, she wittingly set off a chain of crises.───她和朋友的丈夫私通,故意引发了一连串危机。

22、Sixteen of the youngsters set off for help, but during the descent three collapsed in the cold and rain.───16名年轻人出发去寻求帮助,但在下山过程中有3人因寒冷和大雨晕倒了。

23、He set off with a loping stride.───他迈着轻快的步伐出发了。

24、The youngsters set off string after string of firecrackers to mark Spring Festival.───孩子们放了一串又一串的鞭炮,以欢庆春节.

25、He proposed to set off immediately.───他建议立即动身.

26、We must get the right kind of frame to set off the picture.───我们得找个合适的镜框把这幅画衬得更加好看.

27、I set off for the valley, trusting to luck.───我动身去山谷了,一切全凭运气。

28、Who set off the fire alarm?───谁拉响了火警报警器?

29、We set off to see the Pyramids and Sphinx.───我们出发去看金字塔和狮身人面像。

30、We finished loading and set off.───我们装完货物就出发了。

31、They equipped themselves with a pair of sharp axes and set off for the forest.───他们带上两把利斧便朝森林走去.

32、A part of the money was set off for the building of a science boardinghouse.───一部分钱被拨出来用作修建科学寄宿宿舍之用.

33、People set off fireworks and tooted their car horns.───人们点燃烟花,按响汽车喇叭。

set off相似词语短语

1、sets off───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开

2、set offs───v.出发;引起;动身;使爆炸;抵销;分开

3、let off───放出;准许…暂停工作;宽恕

4、see off───送行,送别

5、sent off───驱逐离场

6、slept off───vt.以睡眠消除

7、get off───v.动身;免于受罚;从…下来;脱下(衣服等)



2、set out和set off的区别是

set out和set off的区别是:指代不同和侧重点不同。


“set out”通常表示开始做某事,尤其是指长时间或复杂的任务,比如开始旅行、完成一篇大论文等。它可以表达清晰的计划或明确的目标,并强调有序和系统的方式去执行任务。与之相关的简单动词包括"start"和"go"。

“Set off”的含义有些更为广泛,可能涉及到更加不确定、没有实际目标或说是不良事件的事情。它可以表示“启动、触发、点燃、爆炸”等概念,并且强调突然性和不可预知性。


Set out表示开始一项计划或长时间活动时采取有条理和系统的方式,而set off更多地强调事件引发另外的情况或者直接导致某些结果。

Set out更多的是作为一个独立动词来使用, 比如: She set out on her journey to Paris.(她出发前往巴黎的旅程)。而set off更多的是被用作"触发”“启动”等动作的后置定语。

set out双语例句

1、I set out to buy food.


2、We shall set out immediately once the matter is settled.


3、When they set out they were well prepared.


4、The government set out to destroy the organization root and branch.


5、She set out the company's aims and objectives in her speech.


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