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break the bank中文翻译,break the bank是什么意思,break the bank发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

break the bank中文翻译,break the bank是什么意思,break the bank发音、用法及例句

break the bank

break the bank发音

英:  美:

break the bank中文意思翻译



break the bank双语使用场景

1、Come on! One evening at the theatre won't break the bank.───得啦! 看一晚上戏不会倾家荡产的.

2、You might also the article on Date Ideas That Break the Bank.───你还可以在支付得起的约会方法阅读这篇文章.

3、He liked to tell me that one day he would break the bank.───他经常告诉我,总有一天,他会把庄家的钱全赢过来.

4、But you don't have to break the bank to look and feel your best.───但是你并不想去因为让自己感觉好而破产.

5、I know the options will cost a lot, but doing nothing could break the bank.───我知道这两个方案要付出的代价很大, 但是不采取任何因应之道会让我们破产的.

6、wonder, then, that Hasbro toys won't break the bank.───怪不得孩之宝的玩具花不了多少钱。

7、He tried to break the bank at Monte Carlo.───他试图把自己在蒙特卡洛的赌本都输掉.

8、Prices starting at £6 a bottle won't break the bank.───每瓶6英镑的起价不算太贵。

9、It might break the bank if we buy this new car.───买这部新车,会使我 们的积蓄一扫而空。

10、What happens if the enormous financial bailouts break the bank?───如果庞大的金融援救计划仍挽救不了银行,将会发生什么样的事情呢?

11、So, since a good suit won't get you a job, don't break the bank.───因此, 既然一套好的外套无法让你得到一份工作, 那么就不要把你所有的储蓄都付诸于此.

break the bank相似词语短语

1、break the ice───打破沉默,打破僵局;破冰

2、to break the bank───破堤

3、break one's back───拼命做;努力地工作

4、break the news───宣布消息

5、break the seal───打开封条;拆封

6、break the mold───打破窠臼

7、break the law───违法

8、break the back of───完成最困难的部分

9、sue the bank───起诉银行



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