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currenty(current flow中文翻译,current flow是什么意思,current flow发音、用法及例句)

04-04 投稿

currenty(current flow中文翻译,current flow是什么意思,current flow发音、用法及例句)

current flow

current flow发音

英:  美:

current flow中文意思翻译



current flow双语使用场景

1、Contact resistance is the resistance to current flow through a closed pair of contacts.───接触电阻就是电流流过闭合的接触点对时的电阻.

2、The direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise.───传统的电流方向是逆时针方向.

3、As you change your current flow target, the potential conflicts may also change.───当您变更了您当前的流目标,潜在的冲突也可能变更。

4、potential conflict is a property of your workspace and current flow target.───潜在的冲突是您的工作区和当前流目标的属性。

5、Ampere The ampere is a unit of current flow.───安培安培是电流单元.

6、This unwanted effect can be overcome by rapidly changing the direction of current flow.───此种不利影响可通过迅速改变电流方向来克服.

7、The increased ionization lead to an increased current flow.───越来越强烈的电离作用导致产生越来越大的电流.

8、Copper lets the electric current flow easily through it.───电流很容易通过钢.

9、The slip rings do not affect the direction of current flow through the rotor.───支路戒指,不影响方向,目前的流量通过转子.

10、direction of conventional current flow is counterclockwise.───传统的电流方向是逆时针方向。

11、The reason is that their valence band is full of electrons, which obstructs current flow.───因为它们的价带填满了电子, 使电流无法流动.

12、This condition, known as reverse bias, is not conducive to current flow through the junction.───这种叫做反向偏置的状态不利于电流穿越结.

13、The high permeability reduces internal resistance of the batteries and therefore improves current flow.───高渗透性可减低电池内部电阻,从而提高流量.

current flow相似词语短语

1、current fad───当前流行

2、turbulent flow───[流]湍流;[流]紊流

3、current ratios───[会计]流动比率

4、turbulent flows───湍流

5、current law───[法]现行法律

6、currant loaf───加仑子面包


8、current cost───市价;现时成本;流动成本;日常开支

9、current crop───当前作物







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