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each time中文翻译,each time是什么意思,each time发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

each time中文翻译,each time是什么意思,each time发音、用法及例句

each time

each time发音

英:  美:

each time中文意思翻译


每次,总是,每当; 逐次

each time双语使用场景

1、Each time I tried to help I was repulsed.───每次我想要帮忙都遭到了拒绝。

2、He has been jailed eight times. Each time, friends bailed him out.───他8次被关进局子里,每次都是朋友保释他出来的。

3、They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.───每次见到我,他们都称赞我的外貌。

4、Each time I returned I was struck by the uniqueness of Australia and its people.───每次返回,我都会惊讶于澳大利亚及其国民的与众不同。

5、He went camping with a knife stuck in his belt each time.───他每次去露营都佩带腰刀.

6、This was surely a magic formula for Old Fan as his head ached each time he heard it.───对老范来说,这就是紧箍咒,每回一听说起保管头痛.

7、Each time the product changes, the machines have to be retooled.───每次更换产品,就得重新装备机器。

8、The boys have hosteled at the same inn each time they visited France.───这些男孩每次旅游法国时都住在同一旅社.

9、The colours gently fade each time you wash the shirt.───衬衣每洗一次都会褪点色。

10、They complimented me on the way I looked each time they saw me.───他们每次见到我都就我的外貌恭维我。

11、He announced that it would henceforward be the custom to give him five rands each time a cow was slaughtered.───他宣布今后每屠宰一头母牛就要按规矩给他5兰特。

12、To be taken three times a day, two ( tablets ) each time.───日服三次, 每次两片.

13、Each time we scored we were pegged back minutes later.───每次我们得分,几分钟后便被追上。

14、You could run that race again and get a different result each time.───如果再参加一次那样的赛跑,每次的结果可能都不一样。

15、He had three tries and failed each time.───他试了三回,每回都失败了.

16、Dose : one measure each time.───(药水用法说明)每服一小格.

17、Score lightly at first and then repeat, scoring deeper each time until the board is cut through.───先轻轻地划一道痕,然后再反复划,每次划得深一点,直到木板被割断。

18、You sense the stresses in the hull each time the keel meets the ground.───每次龙骨触地的时候你都能感受到船体所受的压力。

each time相似词语短语

1、beat time───打拍子


3、air time───**或电视节目开始的时间;机场大厦

4、lunch time───午饭时间

5、call time───vi.[通信]呼叫时间;宣布暂停

6、sack time───n.睡觉时间

7、dead time───停滞时间;窝工时间

8、face time───露面时间;会面时间


each time是连词吗?

each time不是连词,是每次的意思

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