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colorme(color me中文翻译,color me是什么意思,color me发音、用法及例句)

04-03 投稿

colorme(color me中文翻译,color me是什么意思,color me发音、用法及例句)

color me

color me发音

英:  美:

color me中文意思翻译



color me双语使用场景

1、Color me your color, baby.───我涂上你的色彩,宝贝。

2、I wrote in my diary, If Jeff is nothing more than a con man, as some still insist, then color me conned.───我在日记里写道:如果杰夫只不过是一个骗取他人信任的骗子,就像有些人一直认为的那样,我就当个受骗者好了。

3、The extra that plays Nyrat Agira can be seen introducing the "Color Me Star Wars" installment of the on location video series.───关于妮拉特·阿吉拉的更多信息可以参见《外景现场》系列视频中的“成为《星球大战》”那一期。

4、Presenting the main production of high-end production, color me, pictures, etc. Company: good management, or lease the team spirit!───主要制作生产高档彩盒、彩箱、画册、等等本公司:有良好的管理,合契的团队精神!

5、A new film, "Color me love," celebrates the cult of materialism but also comes down, somewhat, on the side of love.───新**《爱出色》也讲述了一段由最初物欲熏心,但最终回归本真的爱情故事。

6、Color me jaded, but suddenly the whole endeavor seems a little pricey.───说我没情趣,可是突然,这个活动似乎有些贵了。

7、At Color-Me, children will have the opportunity to become a "little coach" or a "little entrepreneur" .───在卡乐咪,儿童将有做“教练”和“实业家”的机会!

8、Ji has had problems with censorship as Angel Wings has prepared to release its first film this fall, the romantic comedy "Color Me Love. "───天使之翼**公司准备在今年秋季上映其第一部**,爱情喜剧“爱出色”,但在审查上遇到了问题。

9、If the towel drops from around your waist and still manages to hang on to something without hitting the ground, then color me impressed.───如果浴巾从你的腰间掉落下来,然而却没有掉在地上,那必会使我印象深刻的。

color me相似词语短语



3、color code───色码

4、color bar───n.对有色人种的歧视;种族隔离


6、color line───种族界限

7、color scheme───配色方案,色彩设计


9、color in───填色,用颜色填


颜色,色彩例如:In this study we used the speeded naming task of colore words to explore the role of attentionduring encoding in the subsequent perceptual priming and its mechanisms. 采用快速命名方法探讨不同注意条件下的知觉启动效应及其机制。

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