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jump around中文翻译,jump around是什么意思,jump around发音、用法及例句

04-04 投稿

jump around中文翻译,jump around是什么意思,jump around发音、用法及例句

jump around

jump around发音

英:  美:

jump around中文意思翻译



jump around双语使用场景

1、I jump around, but I'm not a fanatic.───我跳来跳去,但我没疯。

2、Still others jump around in unison as someone yells at them.───还有些人步调一致地跳来跳去,旁边还有个人对着他们大喊大叫。

3、Links and text jump around as you move the mouse over a link.───当你将鼠标移向一个链接的时候,链接和文本开始跳动。

4、I got to jump around and have planes fly a few feet over my head.───我在飞机只离我头顶几尺远的地方跳上跳下。

5、We climb and jump around in the playground.───在游乐场时,我和孩子肆意攀爬跳跃。

6、Fortunately, though, you won't need to dress up in a cheesy t-shirt and jump around on national television to do it.───幸运的是,虽然,你不需要穿潇洒的t恤和跳来跳去,在全国电视上做这事。

7、Hover over the masthead of The Times or The Sun or the Daily Telegraph - and the words start to jump around, before merging into some video.───将手机摄像头置于《泰晤士报》或是《太阳报》亦或是《每日电讯报》的报头上方—这些字符将开始四下乱动,然后逐渐融合成一部视频。

8、This eliminates the need to have conditional logic in your process to jump around the step, if it does not need to be run.───这样就不需要在流程中使用条件逻辑来跳过不需要运行的步骤。

9、Having recovered from the injury, he became healthy enough to jump around inside the cage.───当创伤复愈后,他变得非常神气了,并经常在笼子里面跳来跳去。

jump around相似词语短语

1、fuss around───忙得团团转;瞎忙一气

2、bum around───闲荡;游手好闲

3、hem around───折边

4、bums around───闲荡;游手好闲

5、came around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉

6、fuck around───吊儿郎当;戏弄

7、come around───来;苏醒,恢复知觉

8、dug around───到处调查;到处搜索;到处挖

9、hung around───闲荡(hung是hang的过去式和过去分词)

jump and run around是什么意思?


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