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look the part中文翻译,look the part是什么意思,look the part发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

look the part中文翻译,look the part是什么意思,look the part发音、用法及例句

look the part

look the part发音

英:  美:

look the part中文意思翻译



look the part双语使用场景

1、People are drawn to those who look like they are enjoying life, so look the part; don't forget that winning smile.───人都喜欢接触热爱生活的人,所以,不要忘记展现最快乐的笑容。

2、With an ensemble of key figures to introduce, the main roles physically look the part but still need to warm up to each other.───随着一系列关键人物出场,主角虽然短暂相互会见,但仍需一段磨合期。

3、He has got to talk tough and look the part, but whether he is really ready to ratchet up pressure remains to be seen.───他必须言辞强硬,很像那麽回事,但他是否真的准备加大压力还有待观察。

4、Whether you're going to the bank for a loan or to the local auto shop for an oil change, you should look the part.───不管你是去银行贷款还是到当地的汽车商店去换油,你都应该穿戴得符合当时的身份。

5、Expectations grew, as candidates not only needed to say the right thing, but also look the part.───期望在增长,候选人不仅要讲正确的事,而且也得看得上去像那种人。

6、In fact, many of them act like this just to look the part, or to be "in tune with" other artists.───其实,他们中的很多人只不过是为了看上去像名艺术家,或为了同其他艺术家“保持一致”才这么做的。

7、He looks his age. She dressed up to look the part.───他看起来与他的年龄相符。

8、Hence, why he spent half the night pulling them up, in an attempt to look the part.───因此,他花了半个晚上的时间来拉扯袜子就是想试着让它看起来与衣物相衬。

9、But no matter how hard I tried to look the part, there was still something missing.───但是,不论我怎样努力进入角色,感觉还是缺少些什么。

look the part相似词语短语

1、loop the loop───翻跟斗

2、look hard───仔细看

3、off the pace───跑在第一名之后

4、on the pad───在垫子上

5、look smart───赶快

6、look cheap───看起来很便宜

7、look ahead───预测未来,计划未来

8、look here───喂!注意!

9、look sharp───赶快;注意



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