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white horse中文翻译,white horse是什么意思,white horse发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

white horse中文翻译,white horse是什么意思,white horse发音、用法及例句

white horse

white horse发音

英:  美:

white horse中文意思翻译



white horse双语使用场景

1、the Vale of the White Horse───怀特霍斯谷

2、It was a tilbury harnessed to a small white horse.───那是一辆有一匹白马驾驶的小车.

3、Mr. Lin has been considered a prince on a white horse.───林先生被认为是白马王子.

4、The prince rode a, milk - white ` horse.───那王子骑着乳白色的马.

5、I looked and there was a white horse.───我就观看,见有一匹白马。

6、The station square in front of the White Horse, like sculpture.───在火车站广场前有白马雕塑像.

7、Cicerone: Oh that Jeez that is just a white horse.───导游: 哦,什么呀,就一匹白马嘛.

8、He led a white horse by the bridle.───他牵着一匹白马的缰绳。

9、That white horse is running away from other horses in horse - race.───那匹白马在赛马中遥遥领先于其他马.

10、White Horse Courtyard: This is now the palace's main entrance courtyard.───白马庭园: 这是目前皇宫的主要入口庭园.

11、And it's too late for you and your white horse.───你和你的白马都已太迟了.

12、It was a tilbury harnessed to a small white horse.───那是一辆小车,驾着一匹白马。

13、But the White Horse in Austria or Germany, it in wartime Shanghai.───不过,这座白马旅馆不在奥地利,也不在德国, 而是在战时的上海.

14、The white horse won the race by a nose.───这匹白马在赛跑时以一鼻之差而获胜.

15、The man riding on the white horse must be their leader.───骑在那匹白马上的一定是他们的头人.

16、Together with Kara, Bear attends the wedding on a white horse.───贝尔骑着白马叫卡拉一起去参加婚礼.

17、The white horse is a poor bet.───那匹白马输的可能性大.

18、The big white horse reared up on its back legs.───这匹大白马用后腿站立了起来.

white horse相似词语短语

1、white horses───n.白马;怀特霍斯(加拿大育空地区首府);白马像(新石器时代、青铜时代或铁器时代雕刻在英国伯克郡等白垩山冈上)

2、white hole───n.[天物]白洞;不适当的间隔

3、shire horse───大种拖车马;夏尔马

4、high horse───n.傲慢的态度

5、white noises───[电子]白噪声(用来掩盖令人心烦的杂音的声音)


7、white rose───[园艺]白玫瑰

8、white noise───白噪声(用以掩盖令人心烦的杂音)

9、white hope───n.被寄予厚望的人


阿拉伯马是世界上古老名贵的马种。考古学发现它们源于4500年前,原产于阿拉伯半岛。 阿拉伯马是在干旱少雨、食物匮乏的条件下,经长期精心选育而成。该马对世界上许多优良马种的形成起过重要作用。英纯血马、奥尔罗夫马、莫尔根马等,都含有阿拉伯马的血液。

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