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role model中文翻译,role model是什么意思,role model发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

role model中文翻译,role model是什么意思,role model发音、用法及例句

1、role model

role model发音

英:  美:

role model中文意思翻译


n.榜样; 模范


role model双语使用场景

1、You may serve as some kind of a teacher or role model for others.───你可能担任某种类型的老师或某些人的典范.

2、If you ask Chinese academics whether China a role model a surprising number pointthe US.───如果你询问中国学者,中国有没有榜样,让人吃惊的是,很多人的答案是“美国”.

3、Find a role model and aim to achieve even more than they could ever do.───找到一个榜样,以实现甚至超过以往任何时候都可以做.

4、Arroyo has her father as a role model for her political and personal life.───阿罗约把其父亲作为了她政治和个人生活的楷模.

5、The role model for indignant managers is the film director Alfred Hitchcock.───义愤填膺的管理者的榜样是**导演阿尔弗雷德?希区柯克AlfredHitchcock).

6、How are you seeing Kadour . Is a role model or a mentor for you?───在你心中的地位是怎样的? 模范榜样还是良师益友?

7、Lisa: Because he is my role model.───莉萨: 因为他是我的偶像.

8、A father image is a role model – someone you want to be like.───父亲的形象就是一个行为榜样—也就是你想成为的人.

9、An envious friend will want what you have, but will look at you as her inspiration or a role model, and compete with you to get in the lead.───一个羡慕你的朋友想要你所拥有的,但会把你作为对她的激励或是一个榜样,然后与你竞争来超越你。

10、Is she a role model for women in politics or just another lying weasel?───她究竟是女人从政的角色模范或者只是狡猾奸诈的鼬?

11、My father is my role model of an honest person.───我爸爸的诚实为人是我学习的榜样.

12、I love being a role model, and I try to be a positive one.───我喜欢成为标兵, 并努力做个好榜样.

13、Children can never succeed without a male and a female role model at home.───小孩如果没有生活在一男一女组成的家庭里,便无法成功.

14、The child's same-sex parent acts as a role model.───孩子的同性家长是孩子效仿的榜样。

15、Children tend to mimic their parents, so it pays to be a good role model.───孩子易于效仿他们的父母, 所以你得做好榜样.

16、He was a great mentor , friend, scholar and role model.───他是位良师 、 益友 、 学者和他人的榜样.

17、Democrats claim this does not matter: Americans want a competent chief executive, not a role model.───民主党人声称这不重要, 因为 美国人要的是一位有能力的首脑而不是行为楷模.

18、Khokhawants to be an astronaut or a doctor and serves as a female role model.───在埃及的版本中,木偶少女蔻卡哈想当一名宇航员或医生,成为女性的榜样.

19、It'seems unlikely that parents would want Avril Lavigne as a role model for their children.───家长似乎不可能希望自己的小孩以艾薇儿为榜样.

20、Our only choice is whether to be a good role model or a bad one.───我们惟一能作主的是做一个好榜样还是一个坏榜样.

21、A coach should act as a role model for his athletes.───教练员要做运动员的榜样.

22、Being a role model.───做出表率.

23、Choosing a single role model is not a goodidea, because everyone has their strengths and weaknesses.───选定某一个特定的人并不是什么好主意, 因为每个人都有自己的长处也有短处.

24、Serve as a role model for employee success and achieve a high level of customer service.───能够成为员工成长的楷模,达到提供高水平的顾客服务的目的.

25、China and india, taking countries as their role model, will not escape from that either.───中国和印度, 今天也正是以他们为榜样.中国和印度的帐单, 也是逃不掉的.

26、My role model on the stage is Michael Jackson.───我的榜样,在舞台上是迈克尔杰克逊.

27、My role model in life is my father.───现实生活中是我的父亲.

28、a positive role model.───一个积极的示范作用。

role model相似词语短语

1、role models───楷模;榜样(rolemodel的复数)

2、male models───男模

3、roller towel───n.(套在滚筒上转动的)环状毛巾

4、to model───建模

5、scale model───[测]成比例模型;相似模型

6、dole money───救济金

7、solid model───实体模型

8、male model───男模特


2、急求一篇120字《my role model》的英语作文

My Role Model

When comes to role model,people always think about some pop stars or heros,but my role model is my grandpa.Grandpa is a simple maths teacher.when i was a child, i always thought to be weak because i'm thin and weak in sports and maths. Not only my teachers and classmates,but also my mother always scold that how stupid i was.But grandpa didn't think so.Instead of scolded, he always encouraged me that "don't give up, just try again".Besides, he also helped me with maths.Because of his patient and good teaching,i found maths was so interesting and became good at it day by day.I never forgot the day i had got the first full mark.when i showed it to grandpa, he smiled and shared the happiness with me.During all these years,grandpa has been like a big tree to me.Under the tree,i have felt comfortable,secure and been well protected by him.Because of his encouragement, I overcome lots of difficulties and find back my confidence.What's more, I became to know that very often a disappointment some times can becomes a turning point for a wonderful experience.Now I want to express to grandpa that how grateful I am,and his words "don't give up, just try again" are aways in my heart.

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