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chalk up(chalked up中文翻译,chalked up是什么意思,chalked up发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

chalk up(chalked up中文翻译,chalked up是什么意思,chalked up发音、用法及例句)

1、chalked up

chalked up发音

英:  美:

chalked up中文意思翻译



chalked up双语使用场景

1、Academics have been arguing for years that part of China's emissions growth should be chalked up to the Western consumers who buy the stuff.───多年来,学者一直宣称,中国的部分排放增长应记到购买这些产品的西方消费者名下。

2、Like all entrepreneurs, Mr Diamond has chalked up a litany of daring moves over the years - a few have backfired, but most have paid off.───与所有企业家一样,戴蒙德这些年来进行了一系列冒险活动——有些亏了钱,但多数都获得了回报。

3、The team chalked up their tenth win this season.───这支队本赛季已赢了十场比赛。

4、We meet them after they've been forced to leave their previous ranch in a chain of events chalked up to Lennie's odd behavior.───小说一开始,他们已经因为伦尼的古怪行为所引起的一连串事件,被迫离开了以往工作的牧场。

5、That the friend's name is a guitar player named Jimi is apparently to be chalked up to coincidence.───显然,这是特意写下的巧合,因为这个朋友是一个吉他手,名字就叫Jimi。

6、New Orleans has been shrinking since the 1960s, but slowly, so nearly all of the loss can be chalked up to Katrina.───其实新奥尔良自从上世纪六十年代起就在走下坡路,但下滑趋势缓慢;所以接近一半的人口流失都要归咎于卡特里娜飓风。

7、For almost 11 months, the Bosnian army chalked up one victory after another.───在差不多十一个月的时间里,波斯尼亚军队取得了一个又一个的胜利。

8、Yet those failures can largely be chalked up to a steep technology learning curve, industry watchers say.───然而,企业分析师说,那些失误可很好地印证一个尖端科技成长的起起伏伏。

9、Our baseball team chalked up another victory.───我们的棒球队又取得了一次胜利。

chalked up相似词语短语

1、chalks up───记下;取得;归咎于

2、chalk up───记下;取得;归咎于

3、choked up───哽咽

4、checked up───检查;核对

5、chatted up───搭讪

6、changed up───加快车速

7、chased up───追上

8、chalked out───v.用粉笔画出;制图;计划

9、called up───打电话给;召集;使想起;提出



1、There was clearly a problem and it's very frustrating for Nico and the team. 翻译:这里显然有问题,这让尼克和车队感到沮丧。

2、A very good lap from Nico and a thorough job from all our guys during the weekend so far.翻译:尼克跑了很棒的一圈,本周末我们的伙计们至今为止干得也很好。从以上英语句子中,可以看到NICO是英文名字。其它英文名字:1、Bob:鲍勃。I have a date with Bob.翻译:我和鲍勃有个约会。2、Andy:安迪。Andy Wilkinson chalked up his first win of the season. 翻译:安迪·威尔金森取得了本赛季个人的第一场胜利。

3、Eva:伊娃。Bless you, Eva,he whispered.翻译:愿上帝保佑你,伊娃,他低声说。

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