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get out of here中文翻译,get out of here是什么意思,get out of here发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

get out of here中文翻译,get out of here是什么意思,get out of here发音、用法及例句

get out of here

get out of here发音

英:  美:

get out of here中文意思翻译



get out of here双语使用场景

1、Let's get out of here, huh?───我们离开这里吧,嗯?

2、Let's hitch up and get out of here.───咱们套车离开这儿.

3、Get out of here or I'll tan your hide.───滚开,否则我要揍你.

4、" Let's get out of here, " Tom said thickly.───“ 让我们离开这个地方, ” 汤姆声音重浊地说.

5、Look, get out of here and take this flat - chested goody - goody pain in the neck with you.───滚出去,带着这个平胸的假道学一起出去.

6、You're not going to get out of here unless we make a deal.───除非我们达成协议,否则你就别想从这儿出去。

7、We'll all be relics if we don't get out of here.───如果不赶快离开这儿我们都会完蛋的.

8、Get out of here! Scoot!───躲开这儿! 快走开!

9、" Get out of here, " and he shoved him again.───" 滚出去吧, ” 说着又去推他.

10、Why don't you stick your paranoia back in your pants and get out of here?───你何不收敛你的偏执狂然后离开这里?

11、Hey, DuChamp. You want to help me get out of here?───嘿, 杜强普. 你想要帮我逃出这边 吗 ?

12、Let's get out of here.───我们离开这里吧。

13、Get out of here!' he snarled.───滚开!”他吼道。

14、Let's pull up stakes and get out of here.───让我们收拾摊子,离开这里算了.

15、Okay, I plan on whupping y'all asses the second I get out of here.───好啊, 一会儿我出去马上就踢你们俩的屁股!

16、You must be crazy! Take a taxi and get out of here.───你一定要发疯了吧! 叫个出租车从这里滚开.

17、Get out of here! Hey, get our passports ready, will you?───少来了! 嘿, 把我们的护照准备好, 好 吗 ?

18、Turn me loose, you varmint and get out of here!───放开我, 你这个无赖,快点出去!

get out of here相似词语短语

1、be out of luck───运气不好

2、get out of jail───出狱

3、be out of the ark───走出方舟

4、be out of line───出格;不符

5、step out of line───行为出人意料;离开常轨

6、get out of jail free───免费出狱

7、get outta here!───滚出去!

8、bent out of shape───气坏了;大发雷霆

9、get out of───逃避;避免

Take out与get out的区别?


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