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side table中文翻译,side table是什么意思,side table发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

side table中文翻译,side table是什么意思,side table发音、用法及例句

1、side table

side table发音

英:  美:

side table中文意思翻译


n.靠墙的桌子; 茶几

side table双语使用场景

1、If you want something to eat, there is snack and hors d'oeuvers on the side table.───如果你想吃点什么, 边桌上有点心和冷盘.

2、Just put your favorite low chair aside and use it as a small side table.───把你最喜欢的矮凳子拿来放在旁边,可以把他当成一张小边桌用.

3、Plating black crystal glass side table mirror.───黑色电镀边的水晶玻璃表镜.

4、Andrew jabbed a finger, pointing to a collection of pharmaceutical bottles and side table.───安德鲁猛地伸出手指, 指着墙边小桌上的一大堆药瓶和盒子.

5、To put fly on left side table.───钮牌放在右边车?

6、To put the work pieces ( cuff or collar ) side table. Sewing separately.───裁片放车给右边, 每个独立钉缝.

7、She glanced over at a photo of Mark on the side table, taken a few months before he died.───她朝着远处桌面另一边上马克的照片望去,那是在他死前几个月拍的。

8、You can use a single one over a side table or group them together for a wonderful effect.───你可以在桌子旁单独摆一个,或好几个摆放一起,效果棒极了。

9、There is a small bed, a bed side table and a closet in the bed room.───卧室有一张小床 、 床头柜和衣柜.

10、is that a box of Cracker Jacks sitting on the side table?───那是一盒玉米花生糖放在桌边吗?

side table相似词语短语

1、vin de table───餐桌酒

2、bridge table───桥接器窗体;桥牌桌


4、tide tables───n.潮汐表

5、bedside table───[家具]床头柜;床头桌

6、side tables───靠墙的桌子

7、tide table───n.潮汐表

8、life table───[工经]耐用年限表;生命统计表




My favorite food is Beijing roast duck.


Beijing roast duck is a famous food of Quanjude roast duck restaurant in Beijing.


It has the characteristics of ruddy color, fresh and tender taste, mellow taste, fat but not greasy. It is known as the first delicious food in Beijing and enjoys a good reputation at home and abroad.


Beijing roast duck is made of local rare Beijing duck.


It is the best meat duck in the world.


Roast the duck, cut the meat into pieces and put it on the plate.


When eating, you can dip in some sweet sauce, wrap in Scallion section, involve in pancakes, and then taste.


Beijing roast duck with beautiful color, fragrance and taste sounds like a mouth watering duck.


Don't you want one too?


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