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the weather中文翻译,the weather是什么意思,the weather发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

the weather中文翻译,the weather是什么意思,the weather发音、用法及例句

the weather

the weather发音

英:  美:

the weather中文意思翻译



the weather双语使用场景

1、As she and her mother ate breakfast that morning, they listened to the weather reports on the radio.───今天早上她和妈妈吃早饭时,她们听了广播上的天气预报。

2、The weather was marvellous.───天气棒极了。

3、When he got to there, he found, however, that the weather was to o bad.───可是到了那儿之后他发现,那儿的天气太坏了。

4、If the weather is nice this weekend, my in-laws plan to drive up to spend a few days at our house.───如果这周末天气好的话,我公婆他们计划开车来我们家玩一段时间。

5、With a big, easy-to-read flip clock, the date and the weather for your current location are also displayed.───有着大的、易读的翻页时钟,同时还显示日期和你当前位置的天气。

6、The weather looks slightly iffy.───看来天气有些不稳定。

7、The weather gradually improved.───天气逐渐好转。

8、For example, in a climate approaching a tipping point, the weather tends to look more similar day to day leading up to the big change.───比如说,在接近转折点的气候中,天气在发生重大变化之前往往一天天显得越来越相似。

9、So bad was the weather that there were few people fishing on the bank of the river.───天气很糟糕,所以几乎没有人在河岸边钓鱼。

the weather相似词语短语

1、the Preacher───传教士

2、to weather───平安通过;通过岬角的上风侧

3、the ether───乙醚

4、shoe leather───皮鞋;[皮革]制鞋皮革

5、fine weather───n.好天气;晴天

6、bad weather───恶劣的天气

7、the heathen───异教徒

the weather是不是特殊搭配?


1.The weather was warm for the time of year.在一年的这个时节这天气算是暖和的了。

2.The weather is very changeable at this time of year.年年在这个时候天气都变化无常。

3.There's going to be a change in the weather.天气将有变化。

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