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dirty words中文翻译,dirty words是什么意思,dirty words发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

dirty words中文翻译,dirty words是什么意思,dirty words发音、用法及例句

dirty words

dirty words发音

英:  美:

dirty words中文意思翻译




dirty words双语使用场景

1、is impolite to say dirty words.───说脏话是不礼貌的。

2、This man only says dirty words, you can tell he's a rogue at first sight.───这个人一看就是个流氓,尽说些荤话.

3、Next time, instead of using those three dirty words, just ask yourself, "What's something I'd like to have for dinner?" and then respond.───如果在有人问起,尝试不要说这三个字,而是在心里问问自己,“晚餐我真的想吃什么?”再做回答。

4、Speaking dirty words to the guests would be out of the as way.───向客人说脏话是不妥当的.

5、At the same time, I don't believe that advertising and marketing are dirty words.───与此同时, 我认为广告和营销并不是什么令人生厌的字眼.

6、If someone says dirty words all the time, it that is wrong with his mouth.───如果有的人总是骂骂咧咧,满口脏话, 那就说明他的嘴“出了问题”.

7、She couldn't swallow her anger and poured out dirty words.───她再也忍不住她的怒火,大骂起来.

8、It is a basic rule not to speak dirty words in public performances.───当众表演必须净口,这是舞台表演的基本要求.

9、Dirty words or vulgar words is not allowed.───禁止使用粗俗的字眼或是脏话.

10、He usually calls other's name without saying dirty words.───他经常骂人不带脏字儿。

dirty words相似词语短语

1、dirty pools───不正当行为

2、dirty looks───轻蔑的脸色

3、dirty work───不法行为;卑鄙勾当;苦活

4、dirty wars───污秽战争,肮脏战争(**名)

5、dirty works───不法行为;卑鄙勾当;苦活

6、dirt roads───泥土路

7、dirty bombs───脏弹(dirtybomb的名词复数)

8、dirty word───脏字眼,下流语言;不得体的话

9、a dirty word───脏话


谩骂,骂人,说脏话,不文明 hurl invectives, scolding, say dirty words, uncivilized

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