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off the top of my head中文翻译,off the top of my head是什么意思,off the top of my head发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

off the top of my head中文翻译,off the top of my head是什么意思,off the top of my head发音、用法及例句

off the top of my head

off the top of my head发音

英:  美:

off the top of my head中文意思翻译



off the top of my head双语使用场景

1、I can think of three meanings for the word train right off the top of my head.───看到train,我脑中最先想到的有三个意思

2、Keep in mind this is all written quickly and off the top of my head.───注意这些内容是我很快写下的,可能存在错漏。

3、I can easily look up the definition and apply it, but I don't know it off the top of my head.───我能够轻松地查找出这些语法的含义,并运用它,但是,我根本无法在当时立刻想出这些语法的用途。

4、I can't tell you the information off the top of my head. I'll have to look it up.───我没办法告诉你这个消息,我的查一下。

5、It was the best I could think of off the top of my head.───这是我能马上想出的最好办法。

6、Off the top of my head, 5 reasons to use Kanban approach.───在我的脑海中,使用看板方式的5个最佳理由是。

7、Then standing up to recite the poem, I found myself doing it off the top of my head!───然后,我站起来背那首诗。我发现自己不加思索地脱口而出。

8、She's just a few inches off the top of my head.───她就在我头上几英寸的地方。

9、I can't remember the name off the top of my head, but I can look it up for you.───我一时想不起这个名字,不过我可以给你查一查。

off the top of my head相似词语短语

1、off the top───出自总收入(俚语)

2、lower the tone of sth───降低某事物的音调

3、off the hook───摆脱困境;脱身

4、off the back of a lorry───从卡车后面

5、for the life of me───无论如何

6、off the beam───不对头

7、off the top of one's head───不加思索地;即兴地

8、off the blocks───离开街区

9、off the top of your head───从你头上掉下来

on top和on the top的区别?


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