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cutout是什么意思啊(cut out中文翻译,cut out是什么意思,cut out发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

cutout是什么意思啊(cut out中文翻译,cut out是什么意思,cut out发音、用法及例句)

cut out

cut out发音

英:[ˈkʌt aʊt]  美:[ˈkʌt aʊt]

英:  美:

cut out中文意思翻译



停止; 裁剪; 剪下; 取代

cut out双语使用场景

1、I left medicine anyway. I wasn't really cut out for it.───我还是放弃学医了,我真的不是那块料。

2、He has decided to cut out smoking and drinking.───他已决心戒烟、戒酒.

3、He's not cut out for teaching.───他不适于做教学工作。

4、He had better cut out the nonsense.───他最好停止胡说八道。

5、Her editors wanted her to cut out the poetry from her novel.───编辑们想让她把这首诗从她的小说中删去。

6、The radio cut out suddenly.───收音机突然停了.

7、We soon realized that she was cut out to be a teacher.───我们不久就了解到她适合当教师.

8、Two suits can be cut out of this piece of material.───这块料子可以裁两套衣服.

9、Philip was pretty miffed at being cut out of his father's will.───对于自己在父亲的遗嘱中被剥夺继承权这件事,菲利浦感到非常生气。

10、He could also have cut out much of the repetition and thus saved many pages.───他原本也可以砍去许多重复的内容,从而缩减许多页。

11、You can cut out what you like.───你可以随意删减.

12、Cut out two circles of paper.───剪出两个圆形纸片。

13、It would be wiser to cut out all alcohol during pregnancy.───在怀孕期间最好滴酒不沾。

14、Cut out the coupon and send those cheques off today.───剪下优惠券,并于今天把支票寄出去。

15、The helicopter crash landed when one of its two engines cut out.───直升机的两个发动机中有一个停止运转,只好迫降了。

16、The teacher showed us how to cut out part of the surface of the wood and let a pattern in.───老师让我们看如何把木头的表面部分挖掉一块,然后把图案镶进去.

17、Tall trees cut out the sunlight.───高高的树木遮住了阳光。

18、She cut out a new dress.───她裁剪了一件新连衣裙.

19、He doesn't feel he is cut out to be a leader.───他认为自己没有做领导的才能。

20、Cut out the shenanigans and start studying!───不要胡说了,开始用功吧!

21、Come on boys , let's cut out the monkey business and get down to work.───各位, 别胡闹了,快办正事.

22、Sweets should be cut out of diabetics diet.───糖尿病人不应该吃糖.

23、The doctor cut out his tonsils.───医生切除了他的扁桃体.

24、They cut out a path through the jungle.───他们在密林中开出了一条小路.

25、He's not cut out to be a teacher.───他不是当教师的材料。

26、Cut out the paragraph unnecessary for the essay.───删掉论文中不必要的段落.

27、He will have his work cut out to get into the team.───他要进入该队困难重重。

28、With her speed and agility, Cage cut out all her competitors in the hurdle race.───凯奇在跨栏赛跑中速度快、动作敏捷, 击败了所有其他选手.

29、He cut out the steaming entrails.───他割下冒着热气的内脏。

30、The radio receiver cut out.───无线电接收机突然停了.

cut out相似词语短语


2、cut outs───切断;删去;停止;关掉

3、count out───点数;不把…算在内;拳击中判输

4、out out───出去


6、cuts out───切断;删去;停止;关掉

7、scout out───寻找

8、gut out───干掉

9、put out───熄灭;伸出;出版;使不方便,打扰

cut out与cut off的区别是什么?


cut out中文意思是v,


cut off中文意思是


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