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public services中文翻译,public services是什么意思,public services发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

public services中文翻译,public services是什么意思,public services发音、用法及例句

public services

public services发音

英:  美:

public services中文意思翻译


n.公用设施,公共服务( public service的名词复数 )

public services双语使用场景

1、to improve public services in the area───改进本地区的公用事业

2、Listening to customers is now part of the mantra of new management in public services.───倾听顾客意见现在已成了公共事业机构每一届新管理层都会奉行的准则之一。

3、The money is used by local authorities to pay for public services.───那笔资金被地方当局用来支付公共事业的开支。

4、Public services, such as the supply of electricity, are dire.───公共设施, 如电力供应都是很困难的.

5、This will cause further belt-tightening in the public services.───这将导致进一步削减公共服务开支。

6、Does the NGO deliver any public services under contract?───NGO是否按合同提供公共服务?

7、This will cause further belt-tightening in the public services.───这会导致公共事业单位进一步紧缩开支。

8、The money is used by local authorities to pay for public services.───这笔资金被地方当局用来支付公用事业。

9、Urban areas invariably manage to command the lion's share of investment in public services.───城市地区总是力图占有公共服务业的大部分投资.

10、Compulsory annual inspection applies to all public services vehicles and goods vehicles.───当局又规定所有公共服务车辆及货车必须每年接受检验.

11、As the city ages, public services will come under increasing strain.───随着城市老化, 公共服务面临压力会越来越大.

12、Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.───林林总总的公共设施正被逐渐废除。

13、How to deliver transparent, customized, integrated and pro - active public services?───如何提供透明化 、 客制化、整台型及先应 式 的服务?

14、We want to stop the slippage of the quality of public services.───我们想要止住公共服务质量下滑的局面。

15、The revenues from public services are self - explanatory and raise few conceptual problems.───公共服务事业提供收入是理所当然的,不会引起概念上的问题.

16、Public services of all kinds are being dismantled.───各种公共服务正被逐步废除。

17、The city will integrate all public services.───这个城市将把所有的公共场所对各族人民开放.

18、A quarter of the total expenditure has been allocated to the public services.───经费总数的四分之一已拔给公用事业.

public services相似词语短语

1、public servant───公务员;公仆;公用事业公司或其员工

2、public service───公共服务,公益服务;公用设施

3、air services───空军;空中勤务

4、public offices───公职,官职;对外办事处

5、public servants───公务员;[劳经]公仆;公职人员

6、lip services───空口的应酬话,口头上说得好听的话

7、police services───警务

8、public sentiment───公众意见;公众的情绪

9、public medicines───公共药品








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