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police officer翻译(police officers中文翻译,police officers是什么意思,police officers发音、用法及例句)

04-13 投稿

police officer翻译(police officers中文翻译,police officers是什么意思,police officers发音、用法及例句)

1、police officers

police officers发音

英:  美:

police officers中文意思翻译


n.警官,警员( police officer的名词复数 ); 干警


police officers双语使用场景

1、Across the street from me there are a couple of police officers standing guard.───我对面的街上有几名警官在站岗。

2、The city is full of crooked police officers taking bribes.───这城里尽是些受贿行骗的警官.

3、Two men claiming to be police officers called at the pastor's house and took him away.───两个自称是警察的人来到牧师家里,把他带走了。

4、We were simply going about our business when we were pounced upon by these police officers.───我们像往常一样正干得好好的,却遭到这些警察的突然袭击。

5、Police officers in the UK do not usually carry arms .───英国警察通常不携带武器。

6、Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.───警官们埋伏起来等待捉拿那些夜间悄悄追踪作案对象的黑帮成员。

7、Police officers on the case are reckoning to charge someone very shortly.───调查这个案子的警官正在考虑尽快起诉嫌疑人。

8、Police officers threw a cordon around his car to protect him.───警察在他汽车周围设置了防卫圈以保护他.

9、Police officers lie in wait for the gangs who stalk their prey at night.───警察设伏等待那些在晚上跟踪目标伺机作案的歹徒。

10、Lazy and incompetent police officers are letting the public down.───懒惰兼无能的警官令公众失望。

11、The solid rank of police officers lining the courtroom opened to let them pass.───把法庭围得水泄不通的一队警察让开一条路让他们通过。

12、The two police officers were accused of unlawful killing.───这两名警员被控非法杀人。

13、We can't have police officers on every corner.───不可能每个街角都派驻警察.

14、Police officers meet more unsavoury characters in a week than most of us do in a lifetime.───警察在一个星期内遇到的令人厌恶的人比我们大多数人一生中遇见的还多。

15、He was accompanied by an entourage of a dozen police officers.───他有12名警官随行。

16、Two police officers arrested him and took him to Kensington police station.───两名警察逮捕了他并把他带到了肯辛顿警察分局。

17、Two police officers had a narrow escape when separatists attacked their vehicles.───分裂主义者袭击他们的车辆时,两名警官死里逃生。

18、Police officers fear invidious comparisons.───警官们担心不公平的比较。

police officers相似词语短语

1、police office───警察局

2、public officers───公职人员

3、police offices───警察局

4、dole offices───救济金办公室

5、line officers───指挥部队的军官;部队长

6、house officers───实习医生;见习医生

7、police officer───n.警官;警员

8、compliance officers───合规官员;监察主任

9、peace officers───n.治安官(如警察,警官,保安员等)

2、police officer的复数是什么?

police officer的复数形式是police officers。这个名词的复数形式遵循了英语中一般复数规则,在后面加上“s”变成复数形式。police officers通常是指一组多个执法人员,他们负责维持公共秩序、保护社区安全并执行法律。在许多国家,警察是社会中非常重要的一部分,他们承担着重要的责任,确保公众的安全和秩序。

通过增加police officer的数量,能够更好地保护社区,应对犯罪和其他紧急情况。

在紧急情况下,police officers能够提供帮助,维护公共秩序,保护人民的生命和财产。因此,police officers在社会中扮演着至关重要的角色。

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