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shout to中文翻译,shout to是什么意思,shout to发音、用法及例句

04-13 投稿

shout to中文翻译,shout to是什么意思,shout to发音、用法及例句

shout to

shout to发音

英:  美:

shout to中文意思翻译



向…叫喊; 呼唤

shout to双语使用场景

1、He had to shout to make himself heard above the wind.───他不得不大喊,好让别人能在风中听见。

2、What did Ben shout to Susan?───本对苏珊喊 什么 ?

3、They shout to the robber to drop their gun.───他们向抢劫者喊话让他们放下手中的枪.

4、I have to shout to make myself understood.───我必须大声喊,把我的意思表达清楚.

5、At that time, Mr Smith shout to me, I was very happy!───正在这时, 他大声向我打招呼, 终于等到他了我很高兴.

6、We also can't understand your dialect, find a southerner to shout to us.───我们也 听 不懂你们的口音.请找个南方人给我们喊话吧.

7、It irritates me to have to shout to is heard.───我得大嚷大叫别人才能听见,我为此十分不快.

8、He to propose to her to declare his love and shout to the heavens.───他要向她求婚,高声大喊,让世人知道他很爱她.

9、It's like when you talk on a walkie-talkie; you shout to maximize the chance that what your message gets received over all the noise.───就好像用步话机通话时,我们通过喊话以最大程度保证要传达的消息能盖过一切杂声被接收到。

10、He almost had to shout to make himself heard above the music.───为了压过音乐声,他几乎得大声喊才能让人听见。

11、I had to shout to make myself heard.───我得大声嚷,否则根本听不见我的声音.

12、One had to shout to be heard above the tumult.───声音嘈杂,得大喊大叫别人才听得见.

13、I had to shout to be heard.───我大声呼喊以便能被听得见.

14、He had to shout to make himself heard above the near gale-force wind.───在呼啸的大风中他得大声喊叫才能让别人听见。

15、Luigi had the gall to shout to him.───路易吉厚着脸皮冲他喊道。

shout to相似词语短语

1、amount to───相当于,总计为

2、shouts down───大声喊叫以压倒对方

3、out to───试图


5、short tons───[计量]短吨

6、shout down───大声喊叫以压倒对方

7、about to───即将,行将;刚要

8、shout out───突然呼喊,大叫

9、short ton───短吨,美吨

shout at与shout to的区别?

关于这个问题,"Shout at" 表示对某人大声喊叫,通常带有敌意或愤怒的情绪。例如:He shouted at his roommate for not cleaning the kitchen.

"Shout to" 表示向某人大声喊话,通常是为了引起对方的注意或传递信息。例如:She shouted to her friend across the street to ask if she wanted to grab lunch.

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