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paper towels中文翻译,paper towels是什么意思,paper towels发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

paper towels中文翻译,paper towels是什么意思,paper towels发音、用法及例句

1、paper towels

paper towels发音

英:  美:

paper towels中文意思翻译



paper towels双语使用场景

1、I beat Charlie home. When he walked in I was just taking the fried chicken out of the pan and laying it on a pile of paper towels.───我比查理早到家。他进门时,我正将炸鸡放进盘子里并把它放在一叠餐巾纸上。

2、Strain broth through a fine sieve lined with two paper towels and return it to the pot.───过滤汤汁用一个好的漏勺,用厨房滤纸,过滤后的放入小锅内。

3、In some cases, the amount of energy being used to power a hand dryer is less eco-friendly than using a few sheets of paper towels.───在某些情况下,大量的精力被用于电力手干燥机是少比用几张环保纸毛巾。

4、At home, he would set paper towels on the counter to dry after washing his hands: "They're not dirty, just wet. "───在家里,他洗完手后会把纸巾放在台面上晾晒干:“纸巾又没脏,只是湿了。”

5、Get some paper towels, will you?───洗干净,抖一下水,用纸巾轻拍把水吸干。

6、They need a large (at least two-gallon) terrarium and do well with bark, pebbles, or even paper towels on the floor of their terrarium.───它们仅需要一个大的玻璃容器(至少2加仑),并在容器底部铺上树皮、鹅卵石,甚至纸巾也可。

7、James invites him in. The snowman has never been inside a house. He says hello to the cat. He plays with paper towels .───詹姆斯邀请它进来。雪人从来没有去过房间里面。它对猫咪打了个招呼。猫咪玩着纸巾。

8、you get some paper towels?───你能拿点纸巾过来吗?

paper towels相似词语短语

1、paper tigers───纸老虎

2、paper tapes───腰封;[计]纸带(papertape的复数)

3、packed towers───填料塔

4、paper towel───纸巾

5、face towels───毛巾;面巾;小方巾

6、paper trails───书面记录

7、paper moneys───纸币;[金融]钞票

8、paper dolls───纸娃娃

9、water towers───水塔


spread out[英][spred aut][美][sprɛd aʊt]伸展,延长; 分散; 铺设; 衍; 例句:

1.Spread out the towel or paper towels on a hard work surface. 展开毛巾或纸巾在一个硬的工作面上。

2.But microwaves spread out as they propagate. 但微波在传送过程中会扩散。

3.Spread many electronic pads around on the desk, just as you spread out papers. 在桌子上摊开许多的电子式垫子,就好像摊开纸一样。

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