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laugh to中文翻译,laugh to是什么意思,laugh to发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

laugh to中文翻译,laugh to是什么意思,laugh to发音、用法及例句

laugh to

laugh to发音

英:  美:

laugh to中文意思翻译



laugh to双语使用场景

1、Perhaps a film is difficult to cover everything, maybe it has always been a simple comedy, you laugh to tears enough.───也许一个片子很难面面俱到,也许它本来就是一个单纯的喜剧片,让你笑得落泪就足够了。

2、Void, slowly return to God, in front of beauty, told her " to be good" , we laugh, to leave the.───怅惘中,慢慢回过神来,对面前的美女道别,嘱她一句“要好好的”,我们笑笑,离开。

3、Feel like the extraction of 800 smiling. Do not breathe on smiling. Happy from the bottom of the pubes . Laugh, to be heavy.───感觉象提取了800个笑眯眯。喘不上笑了。发自丹田的惬意。笑,满天要。

4、How the two of us would stretch out on the floor and listen to the thunder and how you'd laugh to keep me from being afraid?───咱俩摊开手脚、躺在地板上听雷声,为了不让我害怕,你还会哈哈大笑。

5、I had a little laugh to myself.───我暗自笑了笑。

6、Anderson is another guy who likes a joke, whereas Carlos is pretty quiet and usually just sits and looks on, having a laugh to himself!───安德森是另一个喜欢玩笑的家伙,而卡洛斯非常安静,通常只是坐着旁观,自己笑!

7、One sometimes forgets that torturers become easily bored. They need a bit of a laugh to keep their spirits up.───人们有时忘了,虐待人也是一件很乏闷的事情。看守也要做点什么有趣的事情,笑一笑,振作振作精神。

8、I cannot but laugh to hear such a story.───听到这样的故事,我禁不住发笑。

9、Laugh to feel young again.───微笑能使你感觉更加年轻。

laugh to相似词语短语

1、laugh at───嘲笑;因…而发笑

2、laugh aloud───放声大笑

3、laugh track───笑声声带

4、launch into───进入,投入


6、laugh down───用笑声打断或拒绝;笑着消磨时间

7、laughs down───用笑声打断或拒绝;笑着消磨时间

8、laugh off───用笑摆脱




laughed中文意思是v. 笑,发出笑声;笑着说(laugh 的过去式和过去分词)

laugh中文意思是v. 笑,发笑;嘲笑,不以为然;愉悦地说;用嘲笑使(某人)离开;(特别表示因成功而)处于有利地位n. 笑,笑声;令人开心的时刻;引人发笑的人或事,笑料

I felt an irresistible urge to laugh.

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