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not given中文翻译,not given是什么意思,not given发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

not given中文翻译,not given是什么意思,not given发音、用法及例句

not given

not given发音

英:  美:

not given中文意思翻译



not given双语使用场景

1、Has not given birth perhaps you did not believe that if you did not believe that may ask the human who has had a child to try!───未生育过的也许你不相信,假如你不相信,可以找生过孩子的人试一试!

2、Although I am not sorry I decided to go abroad and take a rest, I wish that I had not given up the job so easily.───尽管我对决定当医生并不感到后悔,但是我仍觉得要是当初选择当一名自由专栏作家就好了。

3、It seems I have not given up the pursuit - a good thing for me to understand the "happy" to pursue, what I got?───我似乎不曾放弃过追求——对美好事物,对我理解中的“幸福”的追求,我得到了什么?

4、Social surveys must be conducted within the framework of research ethics, a subject to which China has not given due emphasis.───社会调查必须在研究伦理的框架之内进行,这一点在中国尚未受到应有的重视。

5、He claims (that) he was not given a fair hearing.───他声称他未得到公正的申述机会。

6、Or maybe not. Given England's displays in the current World Cup, it might be just as well that there's no Olympic cricket.───朝糟处想也许不,以本次世界杯(足球赛)上英格兰的表现看,应该要庆幸奥运会上没有板球比赛。

7、They were a clannish lot, not given to welcoming strangers.───他们是一伙喜好扎堆的人,不太欢迎陌生人。

8、They are not given hearing aids or taught to lip-read.───没有给他们提供助听设备,也没教过他们唇读。

9、I will thank you not to speak to me, " said the garter. " I think I have not given the least occasion for it.───你不应该跟我讲话!“袜带说。”我想,我没有给你任何理由这样做!

not given相似词语短语



3、hot oven───热烤炉


5、to give───给予

6、not proven───证据不足

7、to given───给予


Reason not given理由不给One reason is that the US has not yet given up on the old bargain, which gives it a permanent lock on the presidency of the World Bank. 一个原因是,美国尚未摒弃旧协议,这一协议令美国人永久性锁定了世界银行(world bank)行长一职。

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