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我们的婚礼英文(our wedding中文翻译,our wedding是什么意思,our wedding发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

我们的婚礼英文(our wedding中文翻译,our wedding是什么意思,our wedding发音、用法及例句)

our wedding

our wedding发音

英:  美:

our wedding中文意思翻译



our wedding双语使用场景

1、"this is a clear breach of our wedding agreement" , he yelled. it looked like there might be a brawl. the guests were beginning to gossip.───“这显然违背了我们的婚礼约定。”他喊道。看来要大吵一场了,客人们也开始窃窃私语。

2、MELANIE: Scarlett. I thought of you at our wedding yesterday and I hope that yours would be as beautiful.───梅兰妮:斯佳丽,我昨天在婚礼中想到了你,我希望你的婚礼也会这么美。

3、I can remember our wedding as if it were yesterday.───我们的婚礼我记忆犹新,就像昨天一样。

4、He was one of the witnesses at our wedding.───他是我们婚礼的证婚人之一。

5、Today's our wedding anniversary.───今天是我们的结婚纪念日。

6、I had not told my Reed cousins about our wedding, but I had written to my uncle, John Eyre, in Madeira.───我没有把婚礼的事告诉里德家的表姊妹,但给马迪拉的约翰·爱舅舅写了信。

7、i can remember our wedding as if it were yesterday.───我们的婚礼我记忆犹新,就像昨天一样。

8、And on this day, the day of our wedding, I promise you this, I promise you to lay my heart in the pond of your hands, I promise you, me.───今天,我们婚礼的日子,我向你保证,我保证,把心放在你的手掌上,我,向你保证。

9、And on this day, today of our wedding, I promise you this: I promise you to leave my heart in upon of your hands. I promise you , me.───今天,在我们的婚礼上,我向你承诺,我要把心交到你手上,我把我自己,交到你手上。

our wedding相似词语短语


2、church wedding───教堂婚礼

3、ruby wedding───红宝石婚


5、royal wedding───王室婚礼;皇家婚礼

6、summer wedding───夏季婚礼

7、double wedding───双人婚礼

8、ruby weddings───红宝石婚



our wedding:我们的婚礼。例句:Our wedding had to tie in with David leaving the army我们的婚礼要和戴维退伍的时间吻合。

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