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dry是啥意思(dry cough中文翻译,dry cough是什么意思,dry cough发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

dry是啥意思(dry cough中文翻译,dry cough是什么意思,dry cough发音、用法及例句)

dry cough

dry cough发音

英:  美:

dry cough中文意思翻译



dry cough双语使用场景

1、Maternal dry cough, face of husband and wife is stewed red.───母亲干咳了一声, 两口子脸炖红.

2、Infected people initially develop fever, headaches, myalgia (muscle pain), sore throat and a dry cough.───感染者最初出现发热,头痛,肌肉痛,咽喉痛和干咳。

3、She was forced to pause; she was seized by a dry cough, her breath came from her weak and narrow chest like the death-rattle.───她不得不停下来,一阵干咳堵住了她的嗓子,从她那狭小瘦弱的胸口里传出一串咯咯的喘气声。

4、I have a bad cough ( dry cough, a sore stomach, a pain in my back ).───我咳嗽得很厉害 ( 干咳 、 胃痛 、 腰背部痛 ).

5、He has a bad dry cough.───咳嗽得厉害.是干咳.

6、I had already heard a little dry cough, especially at night.───我以前就听到她小声的干咳, 特别是在夜里.

7、A dry cough is the trumpeter of death.───干咳是死神的鼓手.

8、You always have a dry cough and look tired lately ; are you pregnant ?───你最近总是干呕、困倦,是不是 有身子 了?

9、Guttural and scratchy, dry cough, now and then sneeze.───喉咙发痒, 干咳, 偶尔喷嚏.

10、Excess of toil wore out Fantine, and the little dry cough which troubled her increased.───过度的操劳使芳汀疲乏了,她原有的那种干咳病开始恶化。

11、The symptoms of SARS are high fever, dry cough, dyspnea and diarrhea.───非典型性肺炎的四大症状是高热, 干咳, 呼吸困难和腹泻.

12、Other symptoms include dry cough and breathing difficulty.───其他症状有干咳和呼吸困难.

13、Demandservice! Is dry cough ceaseless what circumstance?───求医! 干咳不断啥情况?

14、Can be dot tonsil agnail caused blast a dry cough?───小孩子扁桃体发炎会引起阵阵干咳 吗 ?

15、Some people also develop chills , shivering spells and a dry cough.───有些人也会发冷, 发抖及干咳.

dry cough相似词语短语

1、pretty rough───相当粗糙

2、dry ground───干土

3、firm dough───硬面团

4、dry out───变干;戒酒

5、dry cloth───干布

6、dry mouth───口干;口腔干燥症

7、chin cough───n.百日咳

8、to cough───咳嗽

9、dry weight───干重



vi. 咳嗽




Matthew coughed and cleared his throat.

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