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stay focused中文翻译,stay focused是什么意思,stay focused发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

stay focused中文翻译,stay focused是什么意思,stay focused发音、用法及例句

1、stay focused

stay focused发音

英:  美:

stay focused中文意思翻译



stay focused双语使用场景

1、Their interests are aligned with yours, helping them stay focused on the long term.───他们的目标和你们是一致的, 因此请帮助他们将着眼点放得更长远一点.

2、Stay focused and't try to oversell your capabilities.───保持专注而不要尝试过份吹嘘你的能力.

3、I just want to prefer to stay focused on that. And then we'll see's gonna happen.───我只是更想全心投入其中, 然后我们将知道发生什么.

4、Instead, try to stay focused as aggressive as you can while being consistent.───相反, 在保证连贯性的同时要尽可能保持精力集中积极主动.

5、Stay focused on the subject.───注意力集中在话题上。

6、They stay focused on the present.───他们对现状保持着注意力。

7、It helps me stay focused on my top priorities.───它帮助我关注于自己的优先事物.

8、Mary told her friends to stay focused and not run around in circles.───玛丽告诉她的朋友们要坚定目标,不可瞎忙一阵.

9、People stay focused on a short-term goal.───人们关注短期目标。

10、The only way to attain your goals is to stay focused and work hard.───达到目标的唯一办法就是集中思想于目标上并努力工作.

11、Stay focused on me.───注意听我的.

12、If you stay focused on yourself, you are going to be miserable.───只关心自己会使你变得可怜.

13、These words gave Flatley the confidence to stay focused on his dream.───外婆的一席话给了弗拉特利信心,让他坚持自己的目标.

stay focused相似词语短语

1、auto focuses───自动对焦;自动调焦

2、sensate focuses───感觉集中训练

3、stand accused───被告席

4、study focused on───研究重点是



7、study focuses───研究重点

8、back focuses───[摄]后焦点;反焦点;象方焦点

9、soft focuses───[摄]软焦点


Becoming a Disciplined Person


Self-discipline is a pattern of behavior where you choose to do what you know you should do, rather than what you want to do. It’s the inner power that pushes you to get out of bed to exercise rather than sleeping in. It is the assertion of willpower over more basic desires and is synonymous with self-control.


It includes having the personal initiative to get started and the stamina to persevere. Being disciplined gives you the strength to withstand hardships and difficulties, whether physical, emotional or mental. It allows forgoing immediate satisfaction, in order to gain something better, but which requires effort and time.


Discipline is one of the cornerstones to living a successful and fulfilling life and something we should all strive to master.


Benefits of becoming a disciplined person


When you are consistent in doing the things you know you should do, when you know you should do them, here are the benefits you will enjoy:


You will achieve your goals. When you are consistent in doing the things you know you should do, your odds of achieving your goals will be dramatically increased.


You self-esteem will soar. Every time you push yourself to do something you know you should do, you are building your self-esteem.


People’s respect for you will grow. This includes everyone from your spouse to your employer who witnesses your efforts.


You will influence the lives of others. Every good and right thing you do, influences the lives of those who are watching and can have a ripple effect on future generations.


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