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coefficient of variation中文翻译,coefficient of variation是什么意思,coefficient of variation发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

coefficient of variation中文翻译,coefficient of variation是什么意思,coefficient of variation发音、用法及例句

coefficient of variation

coefficient of variation发音

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coefficient of variation中文意思翻译




coefficient of variation双语使用场景

1、When the white noise level ( coefficient of variation ) increases to 20 % , the cyclical fish population spasmodic.───在白色噪音水平 ( 变动系数 ) 增加至20%时, 周期型种群变为不稳定型.

2、Along with sampling scale increasing, the coefficient of variation increased gradually.───随采样幅度尺度的增大,变异系数呈逐渐增大的趋势。

3、The result shows that standard deviation is 0.02, coefficient of variation linear correlation is 0.9996.───方法标准偏差为0.02, 变异系数为 0.24% .本方法可适用于霜脲氰及其复配制剂的分析.

4、Discrete level of data of every tested item was introduced through experimental coefficient of variation.───运用经验变异系数来表述各检验项目数据的离散程度.

5、The average recoveries and coefficient of variation of fipronil in Chinese cabbage were 91.92 % ~101.64 % and 4.5 % ~6.8 %.───西兰花中平均回收率达到91.92%~101.64%,RSD为4.5%~6.8%.

6、Results Coefficient of variation ( CV ) for within - run assays was 5.0 % , CV for between - run assays was 1.6 %.───结果ACB方法 批内变异系数 ( CV ) 为5.0%, 批间CV为1.6%.

7、RESULTS The method is accurate and easy to operate, and coefficient of variation is small.───结果该方法变异系数小,准确度高,操作简便易行。

8、With the increase of test loads, the updated mean bond stress increases, but the updated coefficient of variation decreases.───随着最大试验荷载的增加,更新的粘结强度均值逐渐增大,但更新的变异系数逐渐减小。

coefficient of variation相似词语短语

1、coefficient of expansion───[物]膨胀系数

2、coefficient of correlations───[数]相关系数

3、coefficient of restitution───[力]恢复系数;回弹系数

4、coefficient of friction───[力]摩擦系数;磨擦系数

5、coefficient of correlation───[数]相关系数

6、coefficient of variations───[数]变异系数;变动系数;变更系数

7、coefficient of expansions───[物]膨胀系数

8、coefficient of restitutions───[力]恢复系数;回弹系数

9、coefficient of frictions───[力]摩擦系数;磨擦系数




 离散系数(Coefficient of Variation)又称作标准差系数或者变异系数,其定义是标准差与均值的比值。

标准分数(Standardized Score)是将原始数据转换到以一个特定的均值为0、标准差为1的标准化总体中,从而得到的一个值。



标准分数(Standardized Score)用于表示某个具体数值在其所处数据集中的相对位置。

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