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nosense(no sense中文翻译,no sense是什么意思,no sense发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

nosense(no sense中文翻译,no sense是什么意思,no sense发音、用法及例句)

no sense

no sense发音

英:  美:

no sense中文意思翻译

不必; 没道理


no sense双语使用场景

1、It makes ( no ) sense to keep it as a secret.───保守这个秘密 ( 没 ) 有意义.

2、The half that makes no sense , or the half that played you like a child?───有她这样说话的吗? 什么孩子不孝之类的话?

3、At the end, we have a sense of names, dates, and events but no sense of how they relate.───最后,我们对名字、日期和事件有了些认识,但并不清楚它们之间的关联。

4、The manuscript is so corrupt that parts of it make no sense at all.───这稿子由于讹误太多,以致有的部分意义不明.

5、I can't stand people with no sense of humour.───我无法忍受毫无幽默感的人。

6、Come along, Osmond. No sense in your standing around.───快点儿,奥斯蒙德,你闲站着干什么。

7、Fabric hygroscopicity good, with no sense of wet, gas - permeable clothing, and comfort.───织物吸湿性好, 且无潮湿感, 服装透水气性好, 穿着舒适.

8、It makes no sense to belittle the enormity of the disaster which has occurred.───对于已经发生的灾难,其严重性不该小视。

9、Only those who have no sense of shame can do such shameful things.───只有不要脸的人才能做出这样不要脸的事.

10、I can't abide people with no sense of humour.───我讨厌和没有幽默感的人打交道。

11、Though his background was modest, it was in no sense deprived.───尽管他家境一般,但也并不算贫穷。

12、There is no individuality at all and thus no sense of fashion.───一点都不具个性化因此毫无时尚而言.

13、I must make it clear that I am in no sense a geography teacher.───必须先和大家讲清楚,我根本不是教地理的教师.

14、They all said "This is crazy, this makes no sense".───他们都说“这太不靠谱了,一点儿都不明智”。

15、I've already made up my mind. There's no sense beating a horse.───我已经下了决心跳绳可以长高吗,不要再白费口舌了.

16、you no sense of decency ?───你礼貌都不懂吗?

17、He was accused of having no sense of humor, of not being a good sport.───他被指责缺乏幽默感,不够大度。

18、There is no sense in being anything but practical though, he thought.───然而最有道理的还是讲究实用, 他想.

no sense相似词语短语

1、in a sense───在某种意义上

2、to tense───使紧张

3、to sense───感觉

4、no offense───无意冒犯;请勿见怪


6、to mense───两个月。


8、to cense───审查

9、road sense───行车判断能力

in no sense做插入语的用法和意思?

innosense 决不例:Theconclusionisinnosensescientific。.这个结论决不是科学的。

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