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swine flu中文翻译,swine flu是什么意思,swine flu发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

swine flu中文翻译,swine flu是什么意思,swine flu发音、用法及例句

1、swine flu

swine flu发音

英:[ˈswaɪn fluː]  美:[ˈswaɪn fluː]

英:  美:

swine flu中文意思翻译



swine flu双语使用场景

1、What medications are available to treat swine flu infections in humans?───感染了猪流感的病人有何治疗措施?

2、Swine flu could send it reeling against the ropes.───猪流感或许将其推至边缘.

3、Four different type A swine flu strains commonly among pigs.───四种不同的A型猪流感病毒通常中分发猪.

4、By Monday, health authorities said they had confirmed the swine flu.───卫生部门官员周一说,他们已证实此人感染了甲型H1N1流感.

5、WHO will now recommend that pharmaceutical companies make swine flu vaccine.───现在,世卫组织将建议制药厂制造猪流感疫苗.

6、Can people catch swine flu from eating pork?───吃猪肉会感染猪流感 吗 ?

7、Kevin Costner is terrified his children will catch swine flu.───凯文科斯特纳已经禁止家人同他一起外出旅行,以免感染猪流感.

8、Researchers discover that the swine flu virus binds far deeper in the lungs than ordinary flu, possibly explaining why it is sometimes fatal.───研究者发现,猪流感病毒比普通流感在肺更深部结合,这可以解释为什么它有时是致命的原因。

9、What are the signs and symptoms of swine flu in people?───人患上猪流感后有哪些症状?

10、What are the symptoms of swine flu in humans?───人类感染猪流感的症状是什么?

11、Four different type A swine flu strains commonly circulate among pigs.───猪流感是一种由四种类型中A型猪流感病毒引起的猪呼吸系统疾病.

12、Some people have reported diarrhea and vomiting associated with swine flu.───有报道称还有腹泻和呕吐.

13、Now that the swine flu scare seems to have died down. Does this mean we all overreacted?───现在猪流感恐慌似乎已经平息。这是否意味着我们都反应过度了呢?

14、I have family and friends who have had swine flu, though I doubt if they appear in the figures.───我有家人和朋友感染了猪流感,尽管我怀疑他们是否出现在数据中。

15、The agency has created a'seed vaccine'specifically tailored to this swine flu.───该机构已经开发了专门针对猪流感的 “ 种子疫苗”.

16、How Serious Is the Public Health Threat a Swine Flu Epidemic?───猪流感流行对公共卫生安全的威胁有多严重?

17、The swine flu outbreak only exacerbated an unfavourable trading environment.───此外,猪流感**的爆发也加重了本已艰难的贸易环境.

18、Does this year's flu vaccine protect against the swine flu?───今年的流感疫苗能预防猪流感 吗 ?

swine flu相似词语短语

1、crane fly───n.盲蛛;[昆]大蚊

2、swine fevers───猪瘟疫(等于hogcholera)

3、cine film───**胶片

4、bird flu───n.禽流感

5、blue flu───蓝色流感(指警察请假)

6、swine fever───猪瘟疫(等于hogcholera)

7、man flu───男士感冒

8、Asian flu───n.[内科]亚洲型流感

9、avian flu───禽流感





She made a pig of herself with the ice cream (= ate too much) .


2、swine: 讨厌的人;令人不愉快的事物;难处理的东西; 猪

She lived in that gloomy tenement, a place not fit for swine.




2、swine用作名词,在文学上使用,带有感情色彩,可以形容很讨厌的人。 经常与相关的疾病有关,比如:swine flu(猪流感)。




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