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结转 英文(carry forward中文翻译,carry forward是什么意思,carry forward发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

结转 英文(carry forward中文翻译,carry forward是什么意思,carry forward发音、用法及例句)

1、carry forward

carry forward发音

英:  美:

carry forward中文意思翻译



v.发扬,结转; 发扬光大; 恢宏; 继承

carry forward双语使用场景

1、We shall still carry forward our achievements.───我们仍然要发扬成绩.

2、China will continue to carry forward its fine culture.───我们将继续弘扬中华优秀文化。

3、We must carry forward our achievements and correct our mistakes.───我们要发扬成绩,纠正错误.

4、Continue to carry forward and cultivate the national spirit.───(二)坚持弘扬和培育民族精神.

5、This ancient folk art once again able to carry forward, one pass at home and abroad.───这一古老的民间艺术再次得以弘扬, 名传国内外.

6、How to carry forward the spirit of the "May Fourth Movement"?───如何真正弘扬五四运动精神?

7、Named gifts are spent one to two - year period and do not carry forward.───冠名捐款将用于一年至二年期间,且不能跨年使用.

8、He called on his people to carry forward their struggle for national liberation.───他号召人民把民族解放斗争的事业继续推向前进.

9、Her to carry forward and continue the painstaking art of Cantonese opera is really respectable.───她为发扬和延续粤剧艺术的苦心,实在可敬.

10、We advocate professional, carry forward the team spirit, cultivate high quality's enterprise operation talent.───我们提倡敬业, 发扬团队精神, 培养高素质的企业运营人才.

11、What we need to do is to carry forward advantages and to rectify disadvantages.───发扬优点,改正缺点正是我们所要探讨和解决的问题.

12、In future, we will continually carry forward our plant spirits: factuality, innovation, wholehearted service and improvement.───我厂将继续发扬“求实 、 创新 、 诚恳服务、精益求精”的企业精神,努力开拓进取, 于时俱进.

13、The affluent library, valuable talent resources and advanced equipments provide advantaged conditions to carry forward human spirit.───推动图书馆本身全面、协调、持续发展.图书馆丰富的馆藏, 宝贵的人才资源,先进的技术设备,为弘扬人文精神提供了得天独厚的条件.

carry forward相似词语短语


2、came forward───涌现;自告奋勇;被提出来讨论

3、carried forward───[会计]结转;转下页;接后

4、carries forward───发扬;推进



7、carrying forward───发扬,弘扬(carryforward的现在分词)

8、to carry forward───结转

9、carry forwards───发扬;推进

2、carry out to do还是doing

都不是。是carry sth out.

读法 英 [ˈkæri]  美 [ˈkæri] 



Carry Trade 利差交易;套息交易;套利交易;息差交易

carry on 继续;从事;进行;继续下去

carry forward 发扬光大;发扬;推进;转入下一页下期等


carry out a medical examination 进行体格检查

carry out phrasal verb 执行

carry out a promise 履行诺言;遵守诺言




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