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inconclusion(in conclusion中文翻译,in conclusion是什么意思,in conclusion发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

inconclusion(in conclusion中文翻译,in conclusion是什么意思,in conclusion发音、用法及例句)

in conclusion

in conclusion发音

英:  美:

in conclusion中文意思翻译



in conclusion双语使用场景

1、In conclusion the dissertation educes the main results and expresses the expectations of vista.───论文在最后进行了简要的总结并对VTS在未来的发展作了展望.

2、In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable and readily available form of exercise.───总而言之,散步是一种廉价、安全、愉快的锻炼方式,而且随时随地都可以进行。

3、In conclusion, hematocrit increases with age at high altitude in the Central Andes of Peru.───结论 生活在秘鲁安第斯山脉高海拔妇女的红细胞压积随着年龄的增加而升高.

4、In conclusion, national language plays a serious and significant role in Chinese chorus and its development.───总而言之, 中华民族语言对于中国合唱艺术的创作、表演、审美有着深刻而广泛的影响.

5、In conclusion, your better look at the bright side the matter.───总之, 你要看到这件事积极的一面.

6、In conclusion, the stock market crash in 2009 led to many unemployment in China and Germany.───总的来说, 2009年股票市场倒塌导致了在中国和德国人的失业.

7、In conclusion, We need to cut down the violence at almost any cost.───总的来说, 我们需要不悉一切代价减少暴力行为.

8、In conclusion , the policy of maintaining the ruling by nears means of filial piety foiled.───国家“以孝劝忠”、巩固政权的良苦用心并没有发生很大的作用.

9、In conclusion , jet grinding mill is perfect machine in making TiO 2 for chemical fiber.───结果显示:气流粉碎机是化纤钛白超细加工中较理想的粉碎设备.

10、In conclusion I agree with those who choose Option # 4, Taxotere and Anthracycline.───总之,我与选择第4项(泰索帝+蒽环类)的同道意见一致.

11、In conclusion , my opinion intends to agree the point of view above mentioned.───总而言之我的意见是同意前文的观点.

12、In conclusion, I would like to say how much I have enjoyed myself today.───词组“inconclusion”前面所提到的一些信息将在这里被归纳总结.

13、In conclusion, the writer warned his young readers, " You must guard against falling in love.───最后作者教训似地劝告青年: “ 应该反对恋爱,不可轻惹情丝. ”

14、In conclusion, the author puts forward three translation strategies, namely, abridgement, adaptation and interpretation.───在结论部分作者提出了三种翻译策略, 即删减法、改译法和解释法.

15、In conclusion she wished her comrades every success in their work.───最后她祝同志们工作顺利.

16、In conclusion " Daoobeys Zi Ran " is helpful to the existence of the universe and human being.───老子之所以要进行“究天人之际”终极的追问,是要人类由认识天之 “ 本然”而知人之 “ 应然”,归底还是对人的终极关怀.

17、In conclusion , the duality has two functions of foundation and expansion.───二重性具有奠基功能和拓展功能.

18、In conclusion. it is viable and significant to use calcium carbide dust instead of lime.───总之, 用电石灰来替代石灰是可行的,而且具有现实的重要意义.

19、In conclusion, this study attained obvious advancement on the basis of others'research.───总体上, 本研究在前人的基础上取得了较明显的进步.

20、In conclusion, the argument , while It'seems logical at first, has several flaws as discussed above.───结论是, 该论点虽然一开始似乎是合逻辑的, 但却如上所讨论的有几点缺陷.

21、In conclusion, I would like to leave you with a brain teaser.───最后, 大家来动动脑筋.

22、In conclusion, yellow light was the best for the growth of leaf lettuce.───由此表明, 黄光最有利于叶用莴苣的生长发育.

23、In conclusion , the minister stressed that China's WTO entry will bring Hong Kong numerous business opportunities.───石广生最后强调,中国入世对香港来说商机无限.

24、In conclusion he wished us very success in our work.───最后,他祝我们工作顺利.

25、In conclusion , a good citizen should abide by traffic regulations.───例︰总而言之赂好国民应该遵守交通规则.

26、In conclusion, this is another exciting set of figures from Caesar.───最后,我们的结论是, 这又是一盒振奋人心的凯撒兵人.

27、In conclusion, walking is a cheap, safe, enjoyable, and readily available form of exercise.───综上所述,散步是一种廉价、安全、有趣而又随时可以开展的运动形式。

28、In conclusion , the moderation of Chinese law has indivisible relation with traditional law culture.───可见, 中国法律近代化必然是不能和传统法律文化相分离的.

29、So in conclusion I'd say we really are just at the start of this.───如此在结论中我将会刚好真的说我们是这在开始.

30、In conclusion, tonifying kidney and Du meridian is the proper treatment principle.───结论为补肾强肾是适当的治疗原则.

31、Now that matter is all settled," said the old lady in conclusion.───现在事情都解决了。”老太太总结说。

32、In conclusion, it's not suitable to include English words in Chinese dictionary.───总的来说,将英语单词加入中文字典是不合适的。

in conclusion相似词语短语





5、in commission───可使用;服现役中

6、in contention───有获胜机会




in conclusion还是in a conclusion

in a word指的是在总体的说,是对前文的概括.

in conclusion指的是在前文基础上可以得出结论和规律,推论型的短语.


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