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the giver中文版(the giver中文翻译,the giver是什么意思,the giver发音、用法及例句)

04-08 投稿

the giver中文版(the giver中文翻译,the giver是什么意思,the giver发音、用法及例句)

the giver

the giver发音

英:  美:

the giver中文意思翻译



the giver双语使用场景

1、but i never stopped imagining who the giver might be. some of my happiest moments were spent daydreaming about the sender.───但我一直在想象谁可能是送礼者。我最快乐的时光,有些是花在了思考有关发件人。

2、The Giver grasped his shoulders firmly. Jonas fell silent and stared at him.───记忆传承者用力的抓住他的肩膀。乔纳斯陷入沉默并盯著他。

3、This rule was true even if the giver was a relative.───送礼物的人是自己的亲戚也会遵循这个礼节。

4、Bless the gift and the giver.───赐福给这些礼物,也赐福给送礼物的人。

5、What matters is that the giver should do more than simply hand over the money.───要紧的是,捐赠人不应该简单的把钱交出去,他们能做的更多。

6、The whole reason for saying thanks is to let the giver of a gift know how much you appreciate something.───说“谢谢”的唯一理由,乃是要让送礼人知道,你非常感激他的赠礼。

7、All that comes to you in life is a gift, every person on your path is a giver and love is the in the receiving, the gift and the giver.───所有进入你生活的都是一份礼物,每个人在你的人生道路上都是一个“赠与者”与“爱”的表达,礼物与“赠与者”。

8、A few coins can save a life in some situations, and even if the money is wasted, that does not take away the moral goodness of the giver.───有些情况下可以用钱来救命,即使钱可能被浪费,也不会就此打消施予者的仁慈善良之心。

9、She said the giver should write a romantic note to include in the card. Better yet, she said, tell the man how much you adores him.───要在贺卡里夹上一张浪漫字条,告诉他你有多么爱他。

the giver相似词语短语

1、care giver───护理者

2、the river───河畔迷影(歌曲名)

3、the gimmes───吉姆斯

4、the gutter───排水沟

5、the Other───另一个

6、the Dove───鸽子

7、the Nine───九

8、the Life───生平;生命

9、the shivers───颤抖



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