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wonder about中文翻译,wonder about是什么意思,wonder about发音、用法及例句

04-08 投稿

wonder about中文翻译,wonder about是什么意思,wonder about发音、用法及例句

1、wonder about

wonder about发音

英:  美:

wonder about中文意思翻译




wonder about双语使用场景

1、You might wonder about security.───您可能会担忧安全性。

2、Eventually, he will notice these visual hints and will wonder about their meaning.───最后他会注意到这些视觉提示的存在,也会疑惑其含义.

3、Years from now the young will ask with wonder about this day.───多年之后的年轻人会好奇问起今日之事.

4、I often wonder about why she treated me like that.───我时常纳闷她为什么要那样对待我.

5、I really wonder about that.───我对那件事深感怀疑.

6、It was on the Galapagos Islands off the coast of Ecuador that Darwin found creatures that made him wonder about how species develop and change.───正是在厄瓜多尔海岸之外的加拉帕哥斯群岛上,达尔文发现了一些生物,这使他思考物种是如何发展和变化的。

7、Scientists began to wonder about their origin.───科学家们开始议论它们的起源.

8、That remark made me wonder about his innocence.───那种话使我对他的清白感到怀疑.

9、Don't you wonder about his reasons for wanting money?───难道你对他缺钱的理由不感到怀疑 吗 ?

10、The questions were good because they made you wonder about real things.───这些问题问得好,促使我们琢磨一些实质性的问题.

11、I wonder about thousands of kids.───我想到了成千上万的孩子。

12、I wonder about your skin tone and shape of your nose?───我是多么想知道你肌肤的触感和你鼻子的形状.

13、On the way home, they'd speculate and wonder about the treasure.───在回家的路上, 他们就对那宗财宝猜测一番.

14、I sometimes wonder about my old friend, where she is now and what she's doing.───我有时思念我的老朋友, 她现在在哪儿,在做些什么.

15、For those who wonder about level of their computer privacy.───对于那些想知道谁的水平,他们的电脑的隐私.

16、Is it true? I wonder about that.───是真的 吗 ?我怀疑.

17、One may wonder about the public health significance of this phenomenon.───人们担心这种现象是否对公共卫生有什么影响.

18、It makes you wonder about the effect on men's behaviour.───这让人怀疑其对男性行为的影响。

wonder about相似词语短语

1、bandied about───随意摆布

2、wonder aloud───说出内心的疑惑

3、potter about───游荡;闲逛

4、wonder boys───奇迹小子(**名称);古惑教师(**名称)

5、gone about───v.着手做;四处走动;传开;从事

6、to order about───点菜

7、wonder boy───有非凡成就的人

8、order about───支使;不断差遣

9、orders about───支使;不断差遣


"Wonder" 是一个常用的动词,表示想知道、想了解或感到惊奇等含义。常见的用法及搭配有以下几种:

1. wonder + 疑问词:表示想要了解某事的情况。例如:I wonder where my keys are.(我想知道我的钥匙在哪里。)She wonders how much it will cost.(她想知道这会花费多少。)

2. wonder about / at / over + 名词:表示对某事感到疑惑、惊奇或好奇。例如:I wonder about his intentions.(我对他的意图感到好奇。)He wonders at the beauty of the sunset.(他惊奇于夕阳的美丽。)

3. no wonder + 句子:表示理解某事的原因或结果。例如:No wonder she's upset, considering what happened.(考虑到发生的事情,她心情不好也是情有可原的。)

4. I/you/we/etc. wonder + 句子:表示惊奇或怀疑某事的真实性。例如:I wonder if he's telling the truth.(我不知道他是否在说实话。)They wonder if they will ever see each other again.(他们不知道是否还会再见面。)

5. wonder + 不定式:表示想要知道某事的结果。例如:I wonder what will happen next.(我想知道接下来会发生什么。)She wonders if he will call her back.(她想知道他是否会回电话给她。)

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