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pull one's weight(pull your weight中文翻译,pull your weight是什么意思,pull your weight发音、用法及例句)

04-10 投稿

pull one's weight(pull your weight中文翻译,pull your weight是什么意思,pull your weight发音、用法及例句)

1、pull your weight

pull your weight发音

英:  美:

pull your weight中文意思翻译






pull your weight双语使用场景

1、Maintain some weight toward the ball of your front foot and use your front thigh to pull your thighbone upward out of your front knee, allowing your front shin some slight forward movement.───保持一定的重量在你的前脚球,用你的前大腿拉股骨向上离开前面的膝关节,让你的前侧胫骨轻微的向前运动一些。

2、i'd say they do. jobs are so hard to get if you're lucky enough to have one, you know that you're expected to pull your weight.───我得说他们很努力。工作是如此的难找如果你幸运的找到了一个,你知道你是被期待着要全力以赴的。

3、pull your weight and steer the conversation back . .───尽你最大的努力把谈话转到。。

4、You should pull your weight.───你们应该尽职尽责。

5、Drover: No matter your experience or your age, you pull your weight.───多佛:不管你之前有多少经验,不管你年纪多大,都要尽心尽力。

6、Either you pull your weight, or I'll replace you.───要么你尽自己的本分,否则我就换掉你。

7、You have to pull your weight around here young man. My house, my rules.───年轻人,你在这里应该尽心尽力,好好地对待我的房子,还有我的规矩。

8、Begin to put your weight on your front leg and then pull your rear leg up.───开始把你的重量,你的前腿,然后拉你的后腿了。

9、Either you pull your weight or we replace you.───要么你尽心尽力,否则我们就把你换掉。

pull your weight相似词语短语

1、pull your finger out───把你的手指拔出来

2、molecular weight───[化学]分子量

3、punch your weight───重拳出击

4、haul your wind───拉你的风

5、pull one's weight───努力做好自己分内的工作

6、pull your hair out───把你的头发拔出来

7、punch above your weight───做超越自己能力范围的事情

8、pull your head in───把头拉进去

9、to pull your weight───来减轻你的负担

2、pull one leg造句子?

Begin to put your weight on your front leg and then pull your rear leg up.


Grab their far leg and pull the casualty towards you.


Cut off a sleeve or leg, pull it over your head, and mark where your eyes and mouth are with a pen or marker.


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