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far from home中文翻译,far from home是什么意思,far from home发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

far from home中文翻译,far from home是什么意思,far from home发音、用法及例句

far from home

far from home发音

英:  美:

far from home中文意思翻译




far from home双语使用场景

1、For those living or working far from home, this can be a decided advantage.───对于离家居住或工作的人而言, 这的确是一项好处.

2、It's hard to work somewhere far from home.───在离家这么远的地方工作真是很困难.

3、They traveled far from home.───他们离家远游.

4、Clearly, they were playing far from home, with limited resources.───很明显, 他们从遥远的家乡来, 带着有限的原材料.

5、Shantou far from home, which is a blessing.───在离家甚远的汕头, 这是一种幸福.

6、I am trying to recreate family life far from home.───我正试图在远离家的地方重建家庭生活。

7、I am trying to recreate family life far from home.───我正试图在远离家园的地方重建家庭生活。

8、Broome resident Pearl Hamaguchi has never traveled far from home.───当地居民皮尔-滨口女士从未出过远门.

9、I am now far from home.───我现在远离家了.

10、They wandered far from home.───她们远离家乡,四处流浪.

11、They travelled far from home.───他们离家远游了。

12、It is delightful to know I am read by readers so far from home.───能让家乡以外的读者认识我,也是值得让人欣慰之事.

13、Liaoning, to a place not far from home.───我是辽宁人, 去的地方不能离家太远.

14、Mr Mugabe is far from home and dry.───穆加贝先生还远不能高枕无忧.

15、Like Nightingale, Dr. Rosling had his eyes opened to the power of statistics while working far from home.───南丁格尔一样,罗斯林博士在离家很远的地方工作,他看到了统计学的力量。

16、So far from home into my deeds to pry.───远离了家园,来刺探我的行为.

17、It was incredible that she could be so completely alone, and frightened, and far from home.───她居然落得这样孤独无依, 这样恐惧, 这样远离家乡,这是难以相信的啊!

18、In a cold Christmas eve in a land far from home.───在那寒冷的圣诞夜,在那远离家园的遥远之地.

far from home相似词语短语

1、fall from grace───堕落;失宠;误入歧途


3、home from home───宾至如归的地方;第二个故乡

4、far from convinced───远未被说服

5、far from it───远非如此

6、a home from home───旅客之家,像家中那样舒适的地方

7、arrive home───到家

8、home from homes───宾至如归的地方;第二个故乡

9、far from───adv.远离;远非;完全不



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