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Big brother中文翻译,Big brother是什么意思,Big brother发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

Big brother中文翻译,Big brother是什么意思,Big brother发音、用法及例句

Big brother

Big brother发音

英:  美:

Big brother中文意思翻译




Big brother双语使用场景

1、Since Big Brother loved her, why did he marry Jui - chueh?───大哥既然爱她, 为什么又要娶现在的大嫂?

2、He looked like a miniature version of his handsome and elegant big brother.───他看上去就像是他那个英俊儒雅的哥哥的迷你版。

3、" You mean because Big Brother likes them? "───“ ‘是不是因为大哥爱梅花的缘故 呢 ? ’

4、What do I care for your big brother?───我怕你的大哥哥做什么?

5、Big Brother's forgotten the whole affair.───大哥已经完全忘记了那件事情.

6、Big Brother, will be back soon. "───大哥马上就要回来了. ”

7、Her voice is very warm whenever she mentions Big Brother.───她说起‘他’字,声音里含着无限的温情.

8、Bill idolizes his big brother, who is a professional footballer.───比尔非常崇拜他哥哥, 他哥哥是个职业足球员.

9、Big Brother hasn't forgotten Cousin Mei.───大哥决不会忘记梅表姐.

10、Evidently Big Brother's tactics had changed.───觉慧想,大哥的战略现在改变了.

11、It's an attempt to control what reaches the public. Big Brother is watching.───这是个控制公众所得信息的企图。“老大哥”正盯着呢。

12、" Have you seen the newspaper extra,'Big Brother?───“ 大哥,你看见号外 吗 ?

13、" That's why Big Brother wasn't too hurt after they parted. "───所以分别以后大哥并不怎么难过, ” 觉民这样解释说.

14、His big brother is always ordering him about.───他的大哥老是对他颐指气使.

15、Big Brother plainly didn't understand him.───在这一点哥哥似乎并不了解他.

16、My big brother is my best friend forever.───我大哥永远是我的好朋友。

17、Tom always gave in to his big brother.───汤姆总是屈从于他的大哥.

18、Watch what you say. Big Brother is watching.───小心你说的话, 有人在监看.

Big brother相似词语短语

1、lay brother───修道院做杂役的僧侣;凡人修士;庶务修士(修会中从事庶务工作的修士)

2、Big Brother───n.独裁者;n.专制政府;n.《老大哥》(节目名)

3、baby brother───小弟弟

4、kid brother───(美国英语)弟弟

5、kid brothers───(美国英语)弟弟

6、big brethren───大兄弟们

7、twin brother───n.孪生兄弟

8、big brothers───哥哥;老大哥

9、baby brothers───小弟弟

求类似幸存者一样 好看的真人秀美剧



类似幸存者的还有老大哥(BIGBROTHER),诱惑岛(Temptation Island),急速前进(The Amazing Race),挑战恐惧(Fear factor)。

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