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the british museum(british museum中文翻译,british museum是什么意思,british museum发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

the british museum(british museum中文翻译,british museum是什么意思,british museum发音、用法及例句)

1、british museum

british museum发音

英:  美:

british museum中文意思翻译



british museum双语使用场景

1、It is the British Museum.───这就是大英博物馆.

2、Have you done the British Museum yet?───你参观过大英博物馆 吗 ?

3、Passenger: Can you take me to the British Museum?───乘客: 您能带我去不列颠博物馆 吗 ?

4、Most tourists in London visit the British Museum.───去伦敦的游客多半要去参观不列颠博物馆.

5、The entrance hall of the British Museum, with astonishingly gentle and beautiful light.───大英美术馆的大厅, 阳光经过屋顶的柔光玻璃倾泻下来,有种梦境般的柔美感觉.

6、There is a large library in the British Museum.───大英博物馆有个很大的图书馆.

7、The British Museum also holds 13,700 Buddhist records from the Dunhuang Grottoes in Gansu Province.───大英博物馆还收藏了1万3千7百件来自甘肃敦煌莫高窟的佛经.

8、The British Museum is well worth a visit.───大英博物馆很值得一看。

9、So far in the British Museum, ancient porcelain is also scheduled as an art collection collection.───至今在大英博物馆里, 古定瓷还被作为艺术收藏品收藏.

10、After its foundation the British Museum received several gifts, including ancient relics and antiquities.───大英博物馆建馆之后,收到了几个礼物, 包括上古物品和文物.

11、He is also a trustee of The British Museum, and an honorary trustee of Peking University.───他亦是大英博物馆的理事会成员和北京大学的名誉校董.

12、J. Rawson, Ancient China, Art and Archaeology, British Museum Publication, 1980.───罗森, 《古代中国艺术与考古》, 大英博物馆出版, 1980年.

13、Lily : The British Museum specialises more in antiques and archaeology.───大英博物馆更侧重于文物和考古.

14、Yes. There are many places of interest such Buckingham Palace, British Museum and Tower of London.───的确.有许多名胜古迹,白金汉宫, 大英博物馆和伦敦塔等等.

15、The British Museum first opened in the 18th Century largely based on the collections of the scientist Sir Hans Sloane.───大英博物馆于18世纪首次开放,其作品主要是基于科学家斯隆爵士的收藏品。

16、We took a bus to the British Museum.───我们乘坐公交车到大英博物馆去了.

17、The pictures have been reproduced by courtesy of the British Museum.───承蒙大英博物馆惠允,复制了这些画。

18、The original picture is in the British Museum.───这幅画的原作在大英博物馆内.

british museum相似词语短语

1、British List───英国人名单

2、British Telecom───英国电信公司

3、British Guiana───英属圭亚那

4、British gum───糊精(等于dextrin)

5、British Museum───不列颠博物馆

6、British gums───糊精(等于dextrin)

7、British Asian───英国亚洲人

8、British disease───英国病

9、British Isles───不列颠群岛

2、British Museum的中文?

British Museum 英国博物馆,不列颠博物馆(旧译大英博物馆)。

Where did you go? We went to the British Museum. 你去哪儿了?我们去了大英博物馆。2.I particularly want to visit the British Museum and the Tower of London. 我尤其想参观大英博物馆和伦敦塔和西敏寺。3.Only the British Museum and the British School of Archaeology in Iraq have kept the flag flying. 只有大英博物馆和伊拉克的英国考古学校践行了许诺。

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