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take a shit中文翻译,take a shit是什么意思,take a shit发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

take a shit中文翻译,take a shit是什么意思,take a shit发音、用法及例句

take a shit

take a shit发音

英:  美:

take a shit中文意思翻译



take a shit双语使用场景

1、F4's Ken Chu wrote on his Sina Weibo micro blog the reunion would not take place because of a "mouse shit".───朱孝天在自己的微博中表示,F4难以重聚的原因是“有一颗老鼠屎在”。

2、Let me take a shit!───让我拉坨屎。

3、Bearbricxs take a shit on my sofa───比博在我的沙发上拉屎

4、Bearbricks take a shit on my sofa───小熊公仔在我的沙发上拉便便

5、One looked at the other and said, "I've got to take a shit. "───其中一个人对另一个人说,“我要去拉泡屎。”

6、But I can't take a SHIT, in the bathroom───但是在洗手间里我无法正常大便

7、One looked at the other and said, "I've got to take a shit."───一个人对另一个人说,“我要去拉泡屎。”

8、Today, while at my boyfriend's house, my stomach began to hurt really badly, so I excused myself to take a shit. I let it all out.───今天我在男友家的时分,突然肚子疼,然后就去厕所痛痛快快地大了一场。

9、But its hard to relieve yourself, to take a shit, you cant do it on the train, and the only time the train stops is to take on water for the locomotive.───几乎不能让你感到好受些,你不能在火车上方便,唯一的机会是在火车停下来为机车加水的时候才可以。

take a shit相似词语短语

1、take a whizz───吹嘘一下

2、take a shine to───喜爱;看中

3、take a sip───尝一口;小啜;喝一小口

4、take a seat───坐下;就坐

5、take a dip───泡个澡;去游泳

6、give a shit───只在乎很少的一点

7、take a while───需要一段时间

8、take a hint───领会别人的暗示;接受暗示

9、take a hit───遭受打击;受到影响


Give a shit的意思是不在乎,玩世不恭。用法:I won't give a shit,I will take it as far as I can.我不会不在意的,我会做到最好。美国加拿大本地话的用法。等于I don't care.

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