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decision support system中文翻译,decision support system是什么意思,decision support system发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

decision support system中文翻译,decision support system是什么意思,decision support system发音、用法及例句

decision support system

decision support system发音

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decision support system中文意思翻译



decision support system双语使用场景

1、This paper is an effective application in criminal interrogation assistance decision support system.───本文是在该领域有效应用数据挖掘技术的一次尝试.

2、To assess situation precisely is a key technology to develop advanced decision support system.───复杂环境下态势的正确评估是开发高水平决策系统所必需解决的关键问题.

3、The paper presents a decision support system including four parts to claimants.───本文向索赔处理者提供了一个决策支持系统。

4、Games are not like decision support system (DSS) or Online Transaction Processing (OLTP) systems at all.───游戏与决策支持系统(DSS)和在线事务处理(OLTP)系统完全不一样。

5、On this condition, the software of Decision Support System has been discussed.───在此基础上,初步探讨评标决策支持系统应用软件的开发。

decision support system相似词语短语

1、transport system───运输系统;传输系统

2、support system───[计]支援系统

3、life-support system───[安全][特医]生命保障系统;[安全][特医]生命维持系统

4、design a system───设计一个系统

5、decision support systems───决策支持系统

6、life-support systems───[安全][特医]生命保障系统;[安全][特医]生命维持系统

7、support systems───支援系统;支持系统;支撑体系(supportsystem的复数)

8、Didot point system───迪道活字点数制

9、learning support assistant───学习支持助理

SAINC: self-adapting inventory control decision support system for cement industries 中文翻译


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