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cost saving中文翻译,cost saving是什么意思,cost saving发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

cost saving中文翻译,cost saving是什么意思,cost saving发音、用法及例句

cost saving

cost saving发音

英:  美:

cost saving中文意思翻译



cost saving双语使用场景

1、Cost saving project required.───成本节约项目.

2、Hemming , Covering , Piping, Three basic Functions in one , Flexing, Cost Saving machine.───折下摆、埋压拷克骨 、 包边三种基本功能合一的多功能 、 切换容易之省钱机种.

3、Make improvement on product quality and cost saving through equipment and process improvement.───通过设备和工艺改善,提升产品质量并降低本钱.

4、Global clients are increasingly hunting for cost saving solutions from China nowadays.───全球客户通过选择向中国外包,迅速实现成本节约,效果显著.

5、The Capex & Productivity ( CP ) is responsible for plant - wide productivity programs and driving cost saving.───生产力控制工程师负责生产力项目和推动节省成本.

6、Other cost saving interventions include.───其他可节省成本的干预措施包括。

7、To extend effective control for cost saving.───保证有效控制成本.

8、Reporting cost saving progress monthly.───每月报告成本节约进度.

9、Cost saving: recycle the cooling energy when heating the hot water.───投资 创利,制热水时冷量回收,可实现制冷零成本.

10、Seal, pull, anti - rotation, construction convenient, fast, real cost saving, time and effort.───密封 、 抗拔 、 抗 旋转, 施工方便 、 快捷, 真正省材、省时、省力.

11、Savvy cost saving tactics replace last year's staycation.───精明的成本节省策略取代去年的“留在家中度假”。

12、Most of the cost saving comes at the launch stage.───大部分的成本是在发射阶段省下来的。

13、Compared with government , commercial insurance model trends to cost saving.───商业保险模式有利于节约运行成本.

14、Optimize and improve print process base on cost saving and efficiency up.───基于成本和效率的印刷工艺的优化和改进.

15、In charge of process and IDM improvement and cost saving projects.───负责工艺和IDM改善以及成本节约的项目.

16、But under the PhRMA deal, the chances for additional cost - saving measures are unclear.───但是,根据PhRMA协议, 进一步节省成本的措施,其可能性仍不明朗.

17、Keep cost saving and product development.───致力于降低成本以及产品的开发.

18、Energy cost saving and control.───能源费用的节约与控制.

cost saving相似词语短语

1、frost heaving───冻胀现象;[地质]冻拔;[公路]冰冻隆胀


3、cost keeping───成本核算




7、cost savings───[会计]成本节约;节省费用

8、cost of living───生活费,生活费用


setting parents

set back:在这里是“使花费”的意思

with+现在分词 做状语,可以表示原因,时间,条件等等.


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