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big dipper中文翻译,big dipper是什么意思,big dipper发音、用法及例句

04-07 投稿

big dipper中文翻译,big dipper是什么意思,big dipper发音、用法及例句

big dipper

big dipper发音

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big dipper中文意思翻译



big dipper双语使用场景

1、On a clear night, I looked up at the sky and saw the Big Dipper.───晴朗的夜空, 我看见了天上的北斗.

2、The Big Dipper is not by itself a constellation.───北斗七星本身不是一个星座。

3、It is China's fourth Beidou ( Big Dipper ) navigation experimental satellite in orbit.───这是迄今为止中国成功发射的第四颗北斗 ( 大瓢 ) 导航实验卫星.

4、Seven, the big dipper butch BaMianLingLong wonderful string.───七星北斗布奇震,八面玲珑奏妙弦.

5、The first star of the Big Dipper was Kui star , named again KuiShou.───北斗七星的第一颗星叫魁星, 又称魁首.

6、See if you can find the Big Dipper and the Little Dipper.───看一看你能不能找到天上的北斗星座和小北斗星座!

7、May 20 , 2007, the Republic of Korea, held at the Big Dipper horse competitions.───2007年5月20日, 韩国, 当地举行斗马比赛.

8、By habit, he looked upwards and saw Orion, the Big Dipper and the Pole Star, twinkling in the autumn sky.───地,他往上看去,看到了猎户星座、北斗七星和北极星在秋季天穹下熠熠发光。

9、I think that at 11 p.m. I was looking north at the Big Dipper, not south toward her house.───我回想起在晚上11点钟的时候,我正朝北方眺望北斗星,没有朝南面她家的方向看。

10、Since we complete a circle around the sun every year, the stars of summer, such as those in the Big Dipper, are always the stars of summer.───由于每年绕着太阳完成一个循环,夏日里我们所看到的星星,比如北斗七星,它们始终在其他年份的夏天里也都能看得到。

11、The Big Dipper actually belongs the constellation Ursa Major , otherwise as the Big Bear.───实际上,北斗七星归属大熊星座,或成为大熊.

12、The big dipper can give you a sense of direction when you were lost.───当你迷路时北斗七星可以给你一点方向感.

13、You can figure out the position of the Big Dipper on this star chart.───你可以在这张星空图中看到魁星的位置.

14、Meanwhile, the article imagines the shortcomings of the Big Dipper II.───同时, 文章对付北斗二号的错误展开了想象.

big dipper相似词语短语

1、bodice ripper───紧身衣开膛手

2、big hitter───大人物

3、double dipper───双重支薪人

4、big hitters───大人物

5、bird pepper───花椒

6、big dippers───北斗七星;过山车[英国英语]

7、Big Dipper───北斗七星;过山车[英国英语]

8、big sister───大姐

9、big sisters───大姐



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