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许多球的英文(many balls中文翻译,many balls是什么意思,many balls发音、用法及例句)

04-07 投稿

许多球的英文(many balls中文翻译,many balls是什么意思,many balls发音、用法及例句)

many balls

many balls发音

英:  美:

many balls中文意思翻译



many balls双语使用场景

1、In the bASketball event, couples had to get AS many balls through the hoops AS possible while kissing.───在投篮项目中,一对对参赛选手要一边接吻一边向篮圈内投尽可能多的球。

2、I want you to tell me, how many balls will you see?───我只要你们告诉我,看到了多少个球?

3、In the first part of the game we weren't playing confidently, we lost too many balls or just kicked them into space.───在比赛的上半场我们没有打出自信,我们丢球太多,或者只是把球踢到没有人的地方。

4、To get as many balls in the bin as possible within 90 seconds ?───在90秒的时间内,向桶内投入尽量多的球。

5、In many balls training, the coach will call, while deng raping ball barrage each stare big eyes, meticulous ball, a pick more than 1000.───在多球训练时,教练将球连珠炮打来,邓亚萍每次瞪大眼睛,一丝不苟的接球,一接1000多个。

6、"He was in control right from the start, " Torre said. "It was easy. They didn't hit many balls hard. "───“他从一开始就掌握了比赛”托瑞爷爷说“那看来是很容易的,他们根本不可能把球打的很强劲。”

7、There are many balls under the table.───桌子下面有很多的球。

8、There are so many balls, where will we play?───有如此多的球。我们将在哪里比赛?

9、They have so many hats to wear, so many balls to juggle, the cleaning, the cooking, the kids education, and on and on.───她们有很多帽子要戴,很多球来玩耍,清洗,烹饪,孩子的教育,等等的一切。

many balls相似词语短语

1、matzo balls───汤团

2、ink balls───墨球


4、air balls───三不沾;空炮;篮外空心球

5、fly balls───高飞球,腾空球;飞锤

6、nine balls───n.九号球

7、bean balls───投向头部的球;猛球

8、cane galls───狗胆

9、fair balls───界内球


My name is John. I like sports. I have a huge collection of sports equipments. I have thirty tennis rackets, thirty0eight volleyballs and forty-five basketballs. I exercise every day. But my sister Mary isn't keen on sports, she doesn't have many balls.

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