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sound good中文翻译,sound good是什么意思,sound good发音、用法及例句

04-09 投稿

sound good中文翻译,sound good是什么意思,sound good发音、用法及例句

sound good

sound good发音

英:  美:

sound good中文意思翻译



sound good双语使用场景

1、Yes, the review does make It'sound good.───的确, 这个影评使它听起来似乎不错.

2、If not, often they sell you platitudes that sound good but are too vague to really mean anything.───如果不是这样,他们就常常兜售给你那些听起来不错,但却太过模糊而言之无物的陈词滥调。

3、Joel: Well they both sound good.───乔: 嗯,听起来都不错.

4、That does sound good.───听起来的确不错.

5、The eagle sneered, " You're just saying that to sound good. "───老鹰讥笑他: “ 说起来好听. ”

6、Ann : that doesn't sound good, are we behind schedule?───听起来不太好, 我们是不是工期滞后了?

7、Both are necessary for the band to sound good - strong collaboration and individual virtuosity.───强有力的协作和个人的精湛技艺都是出色的乐队表演所必需的。

8、If you were to wake up in the morning and exercise first thing, what would sound good to you?───如果你早上醒来做的第一件事就是锻炼,那么什么对你来说比较好呢?

9、When parting, also only, wave in other words, sound " good - bye " to everybody ", will see tomorrow "───在告别的时候, 也只是向大家挥挥手或者说声 “ 再见 ” 、 “ 明天见 ”

10、It'sound good to me.───我看不错.

sound good相似词语短语

1、sound gate───放声口,声门

2、sound off───奏序曲;提高声音说话;依次报数;吹号

3、sound bow───声弓

4、soul food───美国南方黑人传统食物;精神食粮

5、sound card───音效卡,声卡

6、sound bows───音响弓箭

7、sound hole───音孔;播声洞


9、sound head───音头

英语 连系动词后接什么例:sound good 和sound well区别是什么

sounds well是指某声音听起来好听;

sounds good是指某注意听起来不错 。

在sounds good中,sound是连系动词,指听起来...


sounds well中,sound是动词,well是修饰sound的副词


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