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it's fine(it is fine中文翻译,it is fine是什么意思,it is fine发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

it's fine(it is fine中文翻译,it is fine是什么意思,it is fine发音、用法及例句)

it is fine

it is fine发音

英:  美:

it is fine中文意思翻译



it is fine双语使用场景

1、Another study showed that most black teenagers felt it is fine to force sex on a girl if you know her or if she accepts a drink from you.───另外一份研究显示,大多数黑人青年觉得强迫一个女孩子与其发生性关系也是正常的,如果你认识她或者她愿意接受你手中的酒杯。

2、It is fine sand.───这是细砂。

3、I shall go to the airport to meet with you if it is fine.───如果天气好,我就去机场接你。

4、It is fine happily today. Oh. have made into a deal. It is calm that the mood has no idea.───今天好开心哦。呵呵。做成了一笔生意。心情没有办法平静。

5、While it is fine to accept a handshake from the Queen, officials discourage any other form of touching.───虽然与女王握手没什么不妥,但官员们并不鼓励任何其他形式的触碰。

6、I'm going out in my chair in a day or two if it is fine.───一两天,如果天气好的话,我就要坐着轮椅出去。

7、Listen as your High Heart tells your Third Eye "It is fine now. This ONE is ready to experience New Earth" .───聆听你们的高心对你们三眼轮的诉说“它很好,这个一已经准备好体验新地球了”。

8、is fine to dress casually at the party.───晚会时穿休闲装是不错的。

9、If you only want to check mails and do a bit of Internet browsing it is fine.───如果你只是查收邮件,浏览网页,还是可以应付的。

it is fine相似词语短语

1、cut it fine───扣得紧;抠得很紧;几乎不留余地

2、hit the line───勇敢果断地行事;试图带球冲过对方防线

3、to misdefine───误判

4、finish line───终点线,终航线

5、wait in a line───排队等候

6、tail fins───鱼的尾鳍;直尾翼,垂直尾翼

7、to fine───罚款

8、in fine───最后;总而言之

9、tail fin───鱼的尾鳍;直尾翼,垂直尾翼

it is ok和it is fine?

OK属于非正式用语,比较口语化。 好;可以(表示赞同、同意或接受)

it was ok,表示赞同、同意或接受 fine 优质的,高品质的,健康的。 it was fine。可以表示它是很健康的。

good 合意的,满意的,令人愉快的,受欢迎的 it was good。可以表示它是令人满意的。

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