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calendaryear(calendar year中文翻译,calendar year是什么意思,calendar year发音、用法及例句)

04-06 投稿

calendaryear(calendar year中文翻译,calendar year是什么意思,calendar year发音、用法及例句)

calendar year

calendar year发音

英:  美:

calendar year中文意思翻译




calendar year双语使用场景

1、Let's go to a temple fair on the first day of the lunar calendar year.───大年初一我们去赶会 吧.

2、In the last calendar year the company had a turnover of $426m.───在上一个日历年度里,该公司的营业额为4.26亿美元。

3、Taxable year: Gregorian Calendar year in which the income is derived.───纳税年度: 填写取得所得的公历年度.

4、Inflation will fall sharply and hence there is room for interest rate cuts this calendar year.───通货膨胀率将会急剧下降,因此本年度会有降息的空间.

5、How much is the recruIt'students mark of calendar year?───历年的招生分数是多少?

6、Central Bank gold agreement countries have sold significantly less gold, uh in the calendar year 2008.───中央银行黄金协议国家在2008年中明显出售更少的黄金.

7、This rate shall be used for calculating interest accruing during the following calendar year.───该年利率用于计算下一年度的利息.

8、The maximum suspension period cannot exceed one calendar year.───计划.短期暂停期不能超过一年.

9、If the symptom is present, please indicate calendar year of onset?───如症状持续, 请填上病发年份?并注明症状出现之地点及时间?

10、Fast forward one calendar year, and it's a different story.───时间快速的翻过一年, 发生了很多故事.

11、The fiscal year is the calendar year.───5会计年度是自然年.

12、Each index achieves calendar year record repeatedly.───各项指标连创历年最高纪录.

13、It always confuses me of the fiscal year and the calendar year.───我总是分不清财政年度和日历年度.

14、This file is calendar year, National Computer Grade 4 examination papers.───此文件是历年全国计算机4级等级考试试题.

15、The Census Bureau about a person's economic status in the calendar year before forms are distributed.───在表格发放之间,人口普查局询问了人们的年度经济状况.

16、Serve a term one calendar year which is renewable upon the approval of the Church Board.───按日历任期一年,只要教会执事会同意,便得连任.

17、Lionel Messi having set the record for the most goals in a calendar year, is considered the most talented football player in Europe.───中国人民在每年农历年初时庆祝的春节是最重要的节日。

18、There are at least 2 solar eclipses in every calendar year.───每个公历年至少出现2次日蚀.

19、Calendar year in March to May or even the minimum relative humidity of zero.───历年3月至5月的最低相对湿度甚至降为零.

20、For a number of pharmaceutical calendar year. Food. Chemical companies to provide special equipment.───历年为多家制药. 食品. 化工企业提供专用设备.

21、A licence could not be bought , sold or transferred, and was valid for one calendar year.───许可证不能买卖或转让, 有效期为一日历年.

22、Most attend the Institute a calendar year rather than an year, increasing the cost of tuition.───大多数参加了历年而非学年研究所, 增加学费的成本.

calendar year相似词语短语

1、calendar art───挂历画;(日历上的)通俗画


3、calendar arts───挂历画;(日历上的)通俗画


5、calendar day───历日;[天]日历日

6、calendar days───日历天

7、calendar years───[天]历年

Calendar 的中文意思



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